Solar Roadways – A Cautionary Tale About Crowd-Funding Cons
There’s no denying that in general, Kickstarter, Indiegogo and platforms like them have made a big impact on the way that entrepreneurs realise their ideas, and enabled some fantastic products to be mass-produced.
Unfortunately, (and sometimes hilariously) the open nature of crowd-funding means that anyone can create a campaign for any idea whatsoever. One of the worst, in my view, was Solar Roadways, which became especially concerning because its Indiegogo campaign was actually successful – in fact, it is Indiegogo’s most backed campaign ever, raising 2.2 million dollars.
X-Wing Squadron Seeks $11m On Kickstarter In Response To Crowd-Funded Death Star
The Rebel Alliance have started a Kickstarter campaign, requiring $11 million for an X-Wing fighter and pilot to destroy the recently proposed 'Open Source Death Star.' Crowdfunding has become the new frontier for battle between the Empire and Rebel forces.
'Neocolonialism' Marxist Strategy Game Takes To Kickstarter
Neocolonialism is an indie game which has been floating around Steam Greenlight for a good third of a year, which has been launched its own Kickstarter project. In order to mock capitalism, you must first embrace it.
Fund The Bid To Build A Two-Tonne, 18-Foot Wide, Six-Legged Robot
There isn't a lot in robotics that doesn't get us excited, let alone this hugely ambitious build by a team of Massachusetts roboticists. Nicknamed 'Stompy', it's an 18-foot wide, 4,000 pound (1800kg), six-legged hydraulic robot that you can ride. Told you it was exciting.