My idea for The Nottingham Project - want to rejuvenate the culture? Bring back GameCity
The Nottingham Project wants to revitalise the creative sector of this city. I’ve got a simple idea to help with that...

The Last Of Us Part II will ruin you for other video games this year
It’s near-impossible to sum up The Last Of Us Part II in a review, so let’s do something different…

Coronavirus cancelled their spring wedding, so they got married in Animal Crossing instead
Coronavirus is being a dick, cancelling everybody’s weddings. Luckily, Animal Crossing is coming in at the clutch.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the game we all need right now
In anxious times of self-isolation like this, Animal Crossing has arrived at the perfect moment to help us get through this.

Personal note: Thank you for your support and donations to my Macmillan Game Heroes stream
I managed to raise £392.40 for Macmillan Cancer Support with my 24 hour Twitch stream. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Pitching the PlayStation 5 - 10 exclusive launch games that will help Sony win the next generation
How does PlayStation win another console generation? With good games, of course. Here are my big picks.

Why Sony is right to skip E3 (again)
PlayStation is passing on E3 for the second year in a row… Why?

Why is everyone so surprised that Pokémon GO is still relevant in 2020?
Pokemon GO made nearly £700 million last year. Why is the world’s tech and gaming press so shocked?

Battlestate Games give a terrible excuse for not including playable female characters in Escape from Tarkov
It’s apparently just too difficult to animate playable female characters in games today. At least, that’s what Battlestate Games say.

I am taking on the Macmillan Game Heroes Challenge
In the memory of my Grandad, I’m going to be a Game Hero - doing some fundraising for Macmillan Cancer Support and streaming for 24 hours straight.

You need to play Untitled Goose Game
Untitled Goose Game is the gaming equivalent of a peaceful breath of fresh air, and an ultimate cure to a bad day at work.

I Went Back To A Seaside Arcade From My Childhood - Does It Hold Up?
Electric Palace in Weymouth – a memorable seaside arcade from my childhood. Does the excitement still hold up?

Nacon Revolution Unlimited Pro Controller Review
Defying all expectations, this is a brilliant pro controller at a decent price.

Three Things I Learnt From E3 2019
E3 2019 has come and gone, leaving me with three important lessons.

Best Of PlayStation Days Of Play Sales
Sony have just dropped some insane PlayStation Days Of Play deals!

9 Big Predictions For E3 2019
E3 2019 is just around the corner - here are my big predictions for the show.
3 Reasons Why The Future Is Better Than You Think It Is…
It may not be easy to see it right now, but the future will be better than you fear.

10 More Classic Games That Deserve A Remake
Ten just wasn’t enough… Here are ten more classic games that deserve a remake.

Less Than 1% Of UK Adults Consider Loot Boxes To Be Gambling - That Needs To Change
Just 0.05% of adults in the UK have named loot boxes as a form of gambling. That is crazy, given the amount of airtime given to them in recent months…

An Ode To Telltale’s 'The Walking Dead’ - One Of The Greatest Video Game Stories Ever Told
And so we reach the end of The Walking Dead - Telltale Games’ swan song and probably one to the best stories I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing.