Life and death through the eyes of an iPhone is dizzy and depressing
On average, you pick up your smartphone to complete tasks 221 times a day. For things from checking Facebook in the morning, sending Snapchats during work meetings to express boredom, to taking pictures of your food for Instagram and far too many selfies, it pretty much goes everywhere and does everything with you. While completing these tasks is a great experience for you, how do you think your iPhone feels about it?

Google Announces Android KitKat
Google has confirmed that the next version of Android will be called KitKat. No, I'm not joking, KitKat, as in that chocolate bar available in either fingers or the chunky variety, will be the codename for Android 4.4. This keeps Android's tradition of naming each version after desserts; but this is the first with a deeply integrated (and rather delicious) joint marketing venture.

Instagram 4.1 Adds Ability To Import Videos From Your Library
Instagram may have lagged behind Vine in providing a short video-sharing service, but they are moving ahead of the competition with one very sought after feature: importing video from your camera album.

Exeter Students Win $50,000 For 'SoundSynk' App That Plays Music From Infinite Phones
A team of four University of Exeter students have won $50,000 (£33,100) for developing an app that allows an infinite number of devices to play music simultaneously, effectively creating a symphony of speakers.

Video On Instagram. Vine-Like Video Service Launched By Facebook
Instagram is taking on Vine, as it has launched a new video-sharing service, simply called "Video on Instagram."

Watch Google I/O 2013 Here LIVE
Google I/O is here again, and with many questions being asked around Google Glass, Android and Chrome OS, it's fair to say hype is rather significant. New Rising Media will be streaming the entire event LIVE.

Blackberry Launching BBM On iOS And Android This Summer
Blackberry has announced that its popular 'BBM' messaging service will be coming to iOS and Android as a free app this summer. Long considered as one of the company's strongest exclusive features, CEO Thornston Heins announced "It's time to bring BBM to a greater audience."

Mood-Tracking App 'EmotionSense' Turns Your Phone Into A Pocket Therapist
Researchers at Cambridge University have developed an Android app naned 'Emotion Sense,' which tracks your happiness using a combination of smartphone data and users' perception of mood.
Facebook Home Announced. Revamps Any Android Phone To Be About 'People, Not Apps'
After years of speculation, Mark Zuckerberg talked about that Facebook Phone. Introducing 'Home,' a deep software integration with Android, that takes over the homescreen and designs your phone around "people, not apps." HTC's Peter Chou also took to the stage at the social network's campus in California to announce the HTC First, a hardware realisation of Facebook's vision.
Samsung Galaxy S4 Announced
Samsung have unveiled the Galaxy S4, their next generation smartphone at the 'UNPACKED' event. Titled the 'Life Companion,' it brings a new set of features to the table. Aesthetically, little has changed; but plenty of software and hardware upgrades are present.
'WINE.' Native Windows Software Running On Android
If you haven’t heard of it before WINE is a compatibility layer that lets you run windows programs on Linux. Alexandre Julliard, its original developer, showed us today a semi-functional version for Android.

Save Time And Summarise The News With 'TL;DR'

NVIDIA Unveils Android-Based Handheld 'Project Shield'
Forgive our ignorance that alluded CES 2013 would be missing its share of shock announcements - this is one that we certainly didn’t see coming. Chip manufacturer NVIDIA has just unveiled its very own handheld gaming system called ‘Project Shield’ that it says is capable of delivering console-quality games on the go, and even has the functionality to stream full PC games to the device over Wi-Fi.
Start-Up Green Throttle Set To Bring Mobile Gaming To The Big Screen
It seems a week doesn’t go by without another doomer-and-gloomer reporting facts and figures that try to infer console gaming is dying a slow death. There’s no denying the popularity of touch-screen gaming and the like has exploded in recent years, while services like OnLive remove our reliance on consoles in favour of cloud computing. Start-up Green Throttle Games, meanwhile, hopes a console-less future will come in another form: namely, our smartphones and tablets.
HTC Droid DNA Leaked, Boasts 5-Inch 1080p Display
Picture a display with the very same resolution as a 1080p big-screen TV, shrunk down to the size of your average phone-meets-tablet smartphone at 5-inches. That’s what HTC is cooking up with its latest DROID, if a new leak as reported by SlashGear is to be believed.
Google Unveils The Nexus 4
It's not hard to love Google at this particular moment in time. Behind some of the most consistently-fascinating software (Android, Google Maps, Google.com itself), the company's recent foray into hardware is a tantalising prospect. With Nexus 7 being joined by 10-inch iPad rival the Nexus 10, Google today also took to lifting the curtains on a brand-new smartphone, the Nexus 4.
Google Confirms The Rumours, Nexus 10 Announced
We knew Google had something special up its sleeve, but the specifics of what it had in store were vague at best. But in a smorgasbord of announcements coming direct from the company in the wake of the cancellation of the much-anticipated Android event, we finally have confirmation. First up, a 10-inch tablet featuring a Retina Display-topping 2560 x 1600 resolution, boasted to be the “highest resolution tablet on the planet”. Say hello to the Nexus 10...
GTA: Vice City Heading To iOS And Android
For many, it was the definitive Grand Theft Auto, a sprawling open-world action-adventure title that broke new ground and along with it, rival open-world game developers' hearts. A staple fixture within PS2's for quite some time, GTA: Vice City is now all set for smartphones, with iOS and Android versions on their way.
Now Carphone Warehouse Has Leaked Google’s Nexus 4 Phone
Oh how we look back on more innocent times when the announcement of every long-awaited product under the sun wasn’t preceded with a long line of leaks. Yesterday, we saw the manual of the Samsung-built Nexus 10 show up on a Korean news site. Now, Google has had another of its products otherwise held back for the Android event on Monday leaked by none other than UK retailer Carphone Warehouse.
Military-Made Android Malware Spies Through Your Smartphone Camera
Researchers from the U.S. Navy and Indiana University have created an Android app named PlaceRaider, which can secretly create a 3D virtual map of your location using your smartphone's camera.