J.J. Abrams Apologises For Being Addicted To Lens Flare
J.J. Abrams, director of the recent Star Trek films and of the upcoming Star Wars reboot, has apologised for his rampant use of lens flare, admitting he has an addiction to them.

What If J.J. Abrams Gets Star Wars And Star Trek Mixed Up?
Sci-fi fans have long had concerns that J.J. Abrams will confuse the popular franchises of Star Trek and Star Wars. But what would that actually look like?
Star Trek: Into Darkness Review
Star Trek: Into Darkness is a well-executed and thoughtfully written follow up to the 2009 film, with excellent performances and incredible action scenes; sadly, it fizzles out somewhat in the last 20 minutes.

Star Trek Mashed With Sex And The City In Hilarious Parody Twitter Account
Star Trek has always strived to boldly go where no man has gone before. Now, thanks to parody Twitter account @TrekandtheCity, it has reached the final frontier: the world of Sex and the City.
Scientists Create Real-Life 'Tractor Beam.' Star Trek Becomes Reality
A team of scientists from Scotland and the Czech Republic has created a real-life “tractor” beam, as featured in the Star Trek movies, which for the first time allows a beam of light to attract objects.
'Star Wars' Got It Wrong. What Jumping To Hyperspace Would Actually Look Like
As is commonplace in science fiction, when a spacecraft makes the "jump to lightspeed," stars in the galaxy stretch in front of your eyes. But University of Leicester students have calculated what you would actually see when travelling through space at the speed of light.
Trailer Released For Star Trek Into Darkness
The teaser trailer for the next instalment of the new Star Trek films is here, and it appears J. J. Abrams has followed Nolan's example and taken the franchise darker and edgier, complete with lava.

Stony Brook Unveils Real-World Holodeck, The 'Reality Deck'
So we’re some years off reporting on the invention of warp drive, or the development of a working medical tricorder, but our Star Trek future is getting ever closer - this might just be the closest we’ve ever come to seeing the holodeck. Named the ‘Reality Deck’ and built over four walls at Stony Brook University (SBU) in New York, it’s made up of 416 Samsung LCD high-resolution displays (each of 2560 x 1440 pixels), which brings in a total resolution of over 1.5 billion pixels.
Warp Drive Is More Feasible Than First Thought, According To NASA Scientists
‘Warp drive’ – a concept popularised in our favourite sci-fi shows such as Star Trek – is not as unrealistic as it was first believed, according to top scientists from NASA. They say there is a distinct “hope” that we can reach faster-than-light travel in years to come following ‘breakthroughs’ in warp drive theory.
NASA Enlists Shatner To Voice Curiosity Video Ahead Of Mars Landing
There are few celebrity personalities out there that we could name to be a more ideal fit to voice a NASA video which details the plan to bring the agency's 'Curiosity' rover down to a safe landing on Mars next week.
‘Project Holodeck’ Hoping To Bring Full 3D Virtual Reality To Gaming
Labelled ‘Project Holodeck’ after the virtual reality system at the cutting-edge heart of the Star Trek films, a team from the University of Southern California are working on a system that will bring full 360-degree, full-body VR to gaming.

Plans Are Being Laid Out To Build Star Trek’s Starship Enterprise. No, Really.
With what has to be one of the most extraordinary and geekiest ideas ever conceived, there’s a group of people out there putting a very real amount of hope into plans to construct a full-scale, working Starship Enterprise. The time scale needed? Around 20 years. The cost? A staggering $1 trillion. Totally worth it.
EA ‘probably’ invested $500m in The Old Republic says analyst. Star Trek Online now Free-to-play
An incredibly ambitious MMORPG based off the most lucrative of science-fiction IPs was never, ever going to come cheap. But few, surely, would have imagined the possibility of Star Wars: The Old Republic costing up to half a billion dollars(!), such is the total investment made by EA, a Cowen & Co. analyst Doug Creutz proposes.
$10m Reward Proposed To Inventor of Star Trek-esque ‘Tricorder’
Aiming to “make 23rd Century science-fiction a 21st Century medical reality”, X Prize Foundation’s organizers have offered up a prize of $10 million (£6.5m) to anyone who can invent a Star Trek-alike medical ‘tricorder’ – influenced by the tool used by Spock and Bones in the popular sci-fi show. Launched at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the foundation’s competition page for the Qualcomm Tricorder X Prize reads:
“Imagine a portable, wireless device in the palm of your hand that monitors and diagnoses your health conditions. That’s the technology envisioned by this competition, and it will allow unprecedented access to personal health metrics. The end result: Radical innovation in healthcare that will give individuals far greater choices in when, where, and how they receive care.”