Investigatory Powers Bill Is Officially Becoming Law: How The Snooper’s Charter Will Affect You
People who signed that petition – you’re too late. The Investigatory Powers Act has just been given Royal Assent, meaning that UK Government is soon to become one of the most advanced surveillance states on the planet.

Hackers Can Steal Information Just By Listening To Your Hard Drive
In terms of ways to hack a computer, this is definitely a strange one! Called the DiskFiltration hack, security researchers have figured out a way to use the sounds of your computer’s hard drive to gather information.

Father Hacks Son's Power Wheelchair To Let Him See The World
Father Shea wanted to help his 2-year-old son Alejandro discover the world. Suffering from Spinal Muscular Atrophy, his movements are severely limited and confined to a wheelchair. So they look into power wheelchairs, and discover the health insurance wouldn't cover one for another five years. Disgusted by this, Shea decided to go out and build one himself, allowing Alejandro to go out and explore.

Japanese Luxury Smart Toilet Vulnerable To Hacking
The Satis "smart toilet" controlled by a smartphone is vulnerable to hacks, security experts have warned. With Bluetooth access open to passers by, random strangers can operate the toilet's lighting, flush & bidet controls, and attack your back door for amusement.

Britain Is Easy To Hack. Government Warns We're Losing The War On E-Crime
The UK is one of the world's top targets for e-crime, and more must be done to not lose the fight against online criminal activity, MPs have warned. With our severe lack of security and defence in this area, The Home Affairs Select Committee have identified a ‘black hole’ where e-crime is committed without arrest.
World's Largest Game Of Pong Played On The Side Of A Skyscraper
Frank Lee, a professor at Drexel University's Westphal College of Media and Design, used the side of a 29 story skyscraper in Philadelphia to play the world's largest game of Pong.
'HoneyMap' Shows Where People Are Being Hacked In Real-Time
Many stories are heard across the globe of people having their sensitive online data compromised; but this vast number of hacks you see and read about, it's been difficult to realise the vast size and scale of how many malware infections there are. This is where 'The HoneyMap' comes in, showing the location of both the victim and culprit in said cyber attacks, all in real time.

AntiSec Publishes One Million Apple Device IDs Following FBI Breach
AntiSec hackers have posted 1,000,001 iPhone and iPad identification numbers onto Pastebin, with the claim this data was stolen from a laptop belonging to an FBI agent.
British Spyware Found On Smartphones And Computers
Google security engineer Morgan Marquie-Boire and Berkeley student Bill Marczak have discovered new evidence that spyware sold by British firm Gamma International is in use in some of the world's most repressive regimes.
Cyber Attack Causes Iran's Nuclear Facility Computers To Play AC/DC On Repeat
Two of Iran's nuclear plants have been struck by a cyber attack, causing all the computers to play AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" on repeat at full volume.
This lates virus shut down the facilities in Natanz and Fordow, and cranked them up to 11. Finnish cyber security site F-Secure's researcher Mikko Hypponen had received several emails to himself and his team from a scientist at the Atomic Energy Organization or Iran.
Two UK Teenagers Plead Guilty To Hacking As Part Of LulzSec
Two teenagers from the UK have confessed to being part of Lulzsec and pleaded guilty to multiple charges of attacking several high-profile websites.

Anonymous Intercept Phone Call Between FBI And Scotland Yard
Hacktivist group Anonymous have released a recording of a telephone conversation between the FBI and Scotland Yard, in which they discuss ongoing investigations into activities surrounding the aforementioned hacking network.
MotoACTV wristwatch rooted, made into a tablet for The Borrowers
The sport of routing closed Android devices has been somewhat routine and uninteresting to behold. But when you see Honeycomb on the 1.6" display of a wristwatch, you can't help but reclaim the curiosity that fuelled this obsession in the first place.
Motorola's MotoACTV sports watch normally operates on a highly customised version of Android 2.3, with an iPod Nano-esque user interface; but it's gone under the knife and been opened up via Revolutionary's zergRush exploit.
Cheater banned from Modern Warfare 3 for 5000 days
So when Infinity Ward talked about the new banning system taking a firmer grasp on the likes of cheating and boosting, we never expected it to be this severe.
By this, we mean what is essentially made clear in the title, one player has been banned for 5000 days (what Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling calls a 'permaban') for the aforementioned cheating and boosting. To put this in a different context, this is 13.68 years.
HP LaserJet Printers suffer from huge security flaw
MSNBC has reported an apparent security risk that may affect millions of HP LaserJet printer owners; giving hackers the opportunity to steal data or physically destroy your printer through uncertified software updates.
Government releases 'The UK Cyber Security Strategy.'
The UK government released its 2011 Cyber Security plans to protect and promote the UK in a digital world.
The new strategy reports to increase its focus on cybercrime, and place a spotlight on maintaining the economic and social prosperity found in the cyberspace. It's clear to see that Whitehall is definitely moving in a positive direction in terms of getting to grasps with these ever-growing complexities of our global produce. From the sights of it, it's not going to be easy; but it's a long-term set of tasks and incentives that will benefit both private and public sectors.
The Sun now claims denied hacking is an "Xbox fraud cover-up"
The Sun have fought back against Microsoft's dismissal of its front page "exclusive," claiming Xbox Live was hacked by throwing out accusations of a cyber fraud "cover-up."
Earlier this week (Tuesday to be exact), The Sun ran a front page story in its newspaper about a "Crime Exclusive," reporting that thousands of Xbox Live accounts had been hacked, stealing millions of pounds in the process. Microsoft released a statement, denying claims of hacking, confirming that the infrastructure itself is safe, and stating that this was a case of a phishing scam (online attempts to con people into giving you their personal details).
Defense Department: Cyber-attacks may provoke military response
Well if there's one thing to take for certain in this situation: Hackers < Guns. While phones are being tracked and social network attitudes are being monitored, The Pentagon has declared when other options to tackle cyber-attackers prove ineffective they will turn to military action. This comes from a report made public on Tuesday, stating that internet-based attacks upon US governmental, military or economical bodies will receive the same counter-offensive force as it's tangible attack counterparts.
Anonymous conquest against Zetas called off as member is freed
After a tense week for the Mexican Zeta drug cartel (and their of 'associates' ranging from policemen to politicians), the fellow member of Hacktivist group, Anonymous has been released, and the threats to expose the cartel have been called to an end.