Calm Down, News Media - Snapchat Is Not Failing
The media has had a field day, following the IPO of Snap Inc. The camera company is either “running on old ideas” by reportedly working on a drone, or at the worst, you and “all your friends” are leaving Snapchat.

Hacked Nintendo Power Glove Lets You Control A Drone Like A Robotic Bird Trainer
Nintendo’s impractical Power Glove has been the epitome of cool controllers for over 25 years, but an engineer has made the peripheral practical by hacking it to control drones! To use a quote to sum up my opinions - “it’s so bad…”

GTA fans film a recreation of the retro top-down game using a drone
Grand Theft Auto wasn't the huge 3D universe of strip clubs, therapists and complex plots straight from your favourite crime shows. It used to be a top-down romp where you grabbed a weapon and took destruction to the flat streets of Liberty City. YouTuber Vojta Paul has created a real-life love letter to the times of old, by filming a game sequence through his own streets using a drone to recreate the top-down view.
ESA Develops App That Turns Your Drone Into A Spacecraft
The Parrot drone quadcopter is a commercially-available drone notable for the fact that it can be controlled with an iOS Device, and now the European Space Agency is using this to help simulate docking with a virtual space station.
Flying Drone Fitted With Terrifying Eagle Claw To Snatch Victims At High Speed
Researchers from the University of Pennysylvania have developed a bird-like claw, and attached it to a unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This enables the flying drone to pick up objects at a high speed, heavily inspired by how an eagle uses its talons to grab prey. We just took one terrifying-yet-awesome step closer to flying robots snatching humans off the street.