Eating Mobile Phones Is Bad, But Highlights An Important Issue in Medicine
An Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman were all using their mobile phones. And the Irishman swallowed his. No, really. As detailed in the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, a 29-year-old Irish prisoner did indeed swallow his phone. This, it turns out, is pretty bad for you.

Watch The Original 'Star Wars' Teaser Trailer. "A Billion Years In The Making" From 1976
This teaser trailer for Star Wars from 1976 has surfaced on YouTube, showing you just how George Lucas had to sell the film to his audience before it became a cultural phenomenon. The results are weird, or as the trailer describes "a spectacle light-years ahead of its time."
Baby Goes On A Cute Yet Deadly Lightsaber Rampage
As you know, the Jedi order forbids love and marriage. Initial theories postulate that this is because love leads to the dark side, but as new video footage suggests, the actual reason is that Jedis are the most irresponsible parents in the galaxy.
ESA Develops App That Turns Your Drone Into A Spacecraft
The Parrot drone quadcopter is a commercially-available drone notable for the fact that it can be controlled with an iOS Device, and now the European Space Agency is using this to help simulate docking with a virtual space station.
Fujitsu's Camera Software Reads Pulse In Real-Time By Looking At Your Face
Biometrics have flourished in past years. From securing your smartphone to tracking people through airports, it's gained a lot of interest. Fujitsu Laboratories is no exception to this trend, and from it’s continued development, they have created camera software that can read a person pulse from just their face.
'Mycestro.' Wearable 3D Ring Computer Mouse Launched On Kickstarter

Mobile Software Predicts Your Next Move And Pre-Loads Apps For You
Colleagues from the University of Massachusetts have developed mobile software that has a unique way of over-coming the frustration of having to wait for your favourite and most used applications to boot up. Using a system labelled 'predictive caching', it aims to second-guess the apps you will load in a bid to pre-load them for you, moments before you do so yourself.
Google Seeking To Test Its ‘Next-Generation Personal Communications Device’
The ascendancy of Google has meant the company no longer sticks religiously to its search engine roots. The California-based tech giant has recently been growing an appetite, it seems, to pledge much more of a focus in hardware after having been solely dedicated to software since being founded in 1998. The company is now reported to have filed for permission with the FCC for Special Temporary Authority (STA), a move that would allow its own employees to test a “next-generation personal communications device” in cities across the US; including Mountain View, Los Angeles, New York and Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Phones 4U 'JUMP'. Swap Your Contract Phone Every Six Months
We get it, and we're sure you do too if you're reading this. Two years is sometimes too long with one phone. Maybe your phone is outdated far too soon, or maybe you just want to try all of the options in the smartphone market. This is why independent phone retailer Phones 4U has begun its all new plan, simply called JUMP (Just Upgrade My Phone).
HP announces Open webOS 1.0
So webOS wasn't doing so well before, and after a prolonged wait was announced to be open sourced. Following this, HP have now released details on the process leading up to the code being released as the finished product, which will be called Open webOS 1.0.
The company went into great detail about the matters at hand, and told developers to expect open sourcing to be complete by September time.
Editorial: The Android design guide is not enough. Close the OS
So the Head of design at Android, Matias Duarte, officially unveiled the Android design guide via a live Q&A session on The Verge: a set of in-depth guidelines for app developers and OEMs alike to keep within sync of the design language of Android 4.0. Instantly, this is already a much better direction, with an aim of ecosystem defragmentation in mind; but then we began to think of what we thought to be the failings of Android phones we have owned in the past.