How Much Power Do You Need To Destroy A Planet?
We petitioned for a Death Star to be built this year, and while the plan was turned down, it left us all asking one simple question. What would it take to actually blow up a planet? Scott Manley looked into the science of replicating the Star Wars space station.

Experience The 'Star Wars' Death Star Trench Run On Oculus Rift
The Oculus Rift has some great virtual reality experiences, but none quite like hopping into the cockpit of an X-Wing, hurtling through the Death Star's Trench Run to fire the proton torpedo.

Darth Vader's Death Star Holographic Globe Created Using Raspberry Pi, Arrives On IOS
A team from the University of Leeds has moved one step closer to recreating the kind of holograms seen in science fiction, creating a unique approach to this challenge and using one of the most iconic images of all time to demonstrate: The Death Star.
X-Wing Squadron Seeks $11m On Kickstarter In Response To Crowd-Funded Death Star
The Rebel Alliance have started a Kickstarter campaign, requiring $11 million for an X-Wing fighter and pilot to destroy the recently proposed 'Open Source Death Star.' Crowdfunding has become the new frontier for battle between the Empire and Rebel forces.
Kickstarter Project Launched For 'Open Source Death Star'
If one thing has been made abundantly clear, it's that you people really want a Death Star. Following last year's petition being turned down by the White House, and continuing threats made by the Dark Side, the Kickstarter community have taken things into their own hands.
The Empire Strikes Back Against White House Snub Of Death Star Petition
Following the refusal of a petition to build a Death Star, the Dark Side have responded directly to the Obama Administration, claiming they have abandoned this project in the face of superior Galactic Imperial Power.
White House Declines Petition To Build A Death Star
The White House has formally responded to a petition for the construction of a Death Star, politely declining on the grounds of construction of such a space station costing $850 quadrillion.
Petition To Build The Death Star By 2016, Plans To Construct Full-Size Millennium Falcon Unearthed
So we’re still waiting for those plans to build a full-scale, working U.S.S. Enterprise to come to fruition, but wildly-ambitious projects to make some of science-fiction’s most beloved spacecraft doesn’t end there.