You need to watch Joker - my spoiler-free review
Joker is not an entertaining film - it is an impactful one, making for the best movie of the decade.

Interview With Nathan Sawaya - The Artist Behind The Art Of The Brick: DC Super Heroes
I love Lego and DC super heroes made my childhood. Naturally, my interest was peaked by 'The Art of the Brick: DC Super Heroes' art exhibit in London. Here's what I thought of it, along with an exclusive interview with the mind behind this amazing work - Lego artist Nathan Sawaya.

Will Wonder Woman 2 Get The Green Light It Deserves?
With the release of Wonder Woman in cinemas has surely come a renaissance for female leads in superhero films.

Disgruntled Scottish Suicide Squad Fan Suing Warner And DC For False Advertising
Chances are you’ve seen Suicide Squad reviews, and they’ve not been positive, to say the least. Well, one viewer from Scotland is taking Warner Bros. and DC to court for false advertising.

Watch All The Trailers From San Diego Comic Con 2016
When it comes to trailers that send geeks like me into meltdown, San Diego Comic Con is the time and place to get them. So sit back and enjoy all the 2016 trailers in once place.
Superheroes Sponsored By Corporations: The Way Of The Future
We usually assume that most of our day today superheroes get their money through government funding, like Captain America, or though their successful, highly paid jobs, such as Tony Stark (Iron man).
Neil deGrasse Tyson Locates Superman's Home Planet
Famed American astrophysicist and much-idolised geek hero Neil deGrasse Tyson has pinpointed a very real location in our own universe for Superman's home planet. No, really.