The Future Of The Walking Dead Is Bleak And Full Of Shock Value Over Story
The Walking Dead returned for its seventh season premiere – and much like the taste of Marmite, it has divided the planet on whether it was a good episode or not.
Well, you can put me in the “not good” category because not only the televisual equivalent of being slowly dragged through broken glass, it pretty much guarantees that the screenwriters have waved a fond farewell to meaningful stories in favour of shock value.

Watch All The Trailers From San Diego Comic Con 2016
When it comes to trailers that send geeks like me into meltdown, San Diego Comic Con is the time and place to get them. So sit back and enjoy all the 2016 trailers in once place.

Why You Should Be Watching Silicon Valley
On Sunday 24th April 2016, two HBO TV show seasons premiered. One is Game of Thrones and of course you've all heard about that. But there was another that very few people have actually heard of - Silicon Valley. Little do you know, dear reader, that you should actually be more excited for the latter, and here's why.

Sherlock: The Abominable Bride Review
We have waited two long years for the return of Sherlock, which reinvented the classic stories of old for the 21st century. Does The Abominable Bride hold up to the genius that has come before it?

Pictures from Em-Con 2015
The magic of Comic-Con has come to Nottingham with Em-Con at the Capital FM Arena. What I love most about events like this, besides the endless rows of comic books, Q&A panels and how friendly everyone is, has to be the cosplay.

Trailer For The IT Crowd: The Final Episode Released
Channel 4 have released a trailer for the final episode of The IT Crowd. Following writer/director Graham Linehan's announcement that he was filming the show a few months ago, the 40 minute finale will premiere on Friday 27th September.

Breaking Bad Season 5 'Blood Money' Review
If you were worried that the first of Breaking Bad's final episodes couldn't possibly live up to the hype created by fans across the globe: well, don't.

How Would Breaking Bad Look If It Was A School Play?
As part of YouTube's Geek Week, comedy duo Rhett and Link has re-imagined AMC's Breaking Bad as a school musical. Having your kid cast as Walter White would be a good sign as to whether you were a good parent.

'Star Wars Rebels' New Animated Series For 2014
Production has now begun on Star Wars Rebels, an animated TV series due to premiere on Disney Channel next year. The programme will be set between the events of Episode III and IV of the Star Wars series, a gap of almost twenty years with plenty of scope for excitement and adventure - though of course, the details are all very hush-hush.

The IT Crowd Is Returning For One Final Episode
Beloved British nerd comedy The IT Crowd is returning for a 40 minute grand finale. Moss, Roy, Jen, and Douglas will reprise their roles in this one-off episode.
The episode, which has been writer/director Graham Linehan's primary talking point since his tweet in 2012, is due to start filming in a few weeks time; but there is no information as to when we can expect it on air.
Astronaut Search For Televised One-Way Trip To Mars Will Begin By July
After launching earlier this year, Dutch non-profit organisation Mars One has begun accepting applications for a one-way trip to Mars. They aim to find four astronauts throughout a two year, televised search for Red Planet explorers, starting this summer.
'Whose Line is It Anyway?' Returning To TV After A Decade
The cult British improv show 'Whose Line is it Anyway?' is making a comeback, as the CW Television Network has commissioned a new series, which will be shown this summer.
A Firefly Revival? Alan "Wash" Tudyk Thinks It Can Be Done
It was way back in 2002 when Firefly lived it's relatively short lifespan with Fox. Now Alan Tudyk, who played "Wash" in the series, has hinted that perhaps they just might. Maybe.
An Interview With Jack Olesker: The Writer Of Power Rangers
Power Rangers was a personal favourite Saturday morning show from the days of my youth; but the works of Jack Olesker have had a significant impact on practically everyone who had a childhood in the eighties and nineties.
From writing murder mysteries to The Care Bears his portfolio is rather diverse, becoming part of the paradigm shift in children's TV in the final decade of the 20th century. In a classic story of chasing 'The American Dream,' Olesker went on to become a key figure in the TV industry, and has recently launched a Kickstarter project to fund his latest creation: ZTV The Zombie Network.
With a taste for horror, a fascinating career epitomised by the boom in children's TV, and his feet placed firmly on the ground alongside his fanbase. We speak to Jack about his big breakout into the screenwriting business, the career spanning nearly 3 decades, and his plans with ZTV.
'ZTV - The Zombie Network.' Creator Of 'Power Rangers' Kickstarts new TV Show
The Zombie Apocalypse is all but played out in modern media; but even we were curious to find out about an undead blend of 'The Walking Dead' and '30 Rock,' created by the mind behind popular 90s children's show 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.' TV Sitcom 'ZTV - The Zombie Network' looks to fill this void, pledging to Kickstarter for funding.
8-Foot Tall Boxing Robots Take To The Ring In New SyFy Show
A fan of Robot Wars as a kid? Syfy might have you covered. According to Entertainment Weekly, US cable TV channel SyFy has already green-lit and shot the entire first season of a new show entitled 'Robot Combat League' in which eight-foot-tall humanoid robots battle it out in the ring until one is 'defeated'. Presumably meaning when all that is left in the ring is a pile of contorted metal, electronic innards and pools of hydraulic fluid...
Neil deGrasse Tyson Locates Superman's Home Planet
Famed American astrophysicist and much-idolised geek hero Neil deGrasse Tyson has pinpointed a very real location in our own universe for Superman's home planet. No, really.
Simon Cowell And Will.I.Am On The Search For The Next Bill Gates
Pitching itself somewhat a cross of The X Factor and Dragon’s Den, Will.i.am and Simon Cowell are said to be in the planning stages of a new spin-off of The X Factor destined to discover the next Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg.
Channel 4 Redefines The "Super Human" In Paralympic Campaign
As children we read about them in comic books, collected figurines and watched the latest Hollywood blockbusters with actors clambering to portray them. But in recent weeks it seems Channel 4 have royally re-designed our perception of a “Super Human,” giving the athletes of the Paralympic games their time in the limelight.