Researchers Create Glasses-Free 3D For Cinema Screens
Researchers at MIT have successfully managed to create a new system for glasses-free 3D cinema screens – aptly named Cinema 3D.

Fear and Excitement for this year’s Political Biopic 'The Butler'
Lee Daniels, the man who brought us the Oscar nominated Precious in 2009, and 2004’s The Woodsman, released the theatrical trailer for political biopic The Butler earlier this month. Due to hit UK cinemas in August, this epic excavation into recent US political history reportedly cost a 25-million-dollar budget. Was this great financial effort to produce a damning and revelatory revision of history, or just ‘business as usual’, politically and industrially speaking?

Sony and Disney Start Streaming Films Still In Cinemas
No industry resists change like the film industry, millions have been spent over the decades to keep the silver screen away well away from our familiar four walls. Sony and Disney have boldly moved into the unknown, piloting a trial that allows the residents of South Korea to watch on demand some films that are still being shown in the theatres.
'Jurassic Park 4' Announced. To Be Released In 2014
Universal Pictures have officially announced that Jurrassic Park 4 will be released on June 13, 2014.
Editorial: Grief Should Not Be Social
Ever had that unswallowable lump in the back of your throat as you watch something terrible happen? Upon watching the details slowly unfold about the Batman premiere shooting in Aurora on Friday, it's fair to say that many more than myself probably felt this. A tense few hours of reports commenced, showing the true strength of social media in keeping the planet perfectly synchronised in referrence to any event, and bringing a community together in condolence lending.
Dolby Promises “Powerful New Listening Experience” With 'Atmos', To Debut With Pixar's Brave
You can have your high-definition projector, 5.1 surround sound Blu Ray player set-ups and a smorgasbord of discs to enjoy in your own home, but for the greatest movie-going experience, nothing quite matches the local multiplex. Now, Dolby is all set to roll-out its brand-new sound system ‘Atmos’ in cinemas, beginning with Disney Pixar’s Brave, that provides cinema-goers with a sound unequalled by the standard surround sound set-up; not least through its use of speakers in the ceiling.
This Week In New Releases
We all need a gentle reminder from time to time. This Week In New Releases from New Rising Media aims to do just that – remind you of the biggest, best and hottest new media releases to look out for this week. From the latest big screen blockbusters, to this week's most anticipated Blu-Ray discs, via details of the next big triple-A videogame to reach consoles. This isn't a total run-down of everything new this week, though, these are carefully hand-picked for your viewing/playing pleasure. Ladies and gentlemen, we give you This Week In New Releases...
This week in new releases
We all like the word 'new,' adds a promotional sheen to stand your product out from the rest. But where can you identify all the new media to cross your path? Sure there's 'new game releases' and 'new film releases' pieces; but where's the convergence? That's where we come into it, introducing This week in new releases.