Sony and Disney Start Streaming Films Still In Cinemas
No industry resists change like the film industry, millions have been spent over the decades to keep the silver screen away well away from our familiar four walls. Sony and Disney have boldly moved into the unknown, piloting a trial that allows the residents of South Korea to watch on demand some films that are still being shown in the theatres.

Kevin Smith Rejects Possibility Of Kickstarter For Clerks III
Kevin Smith has changed his mind about using Kickstarter to fund Clerks III, saying that doing so would be unfair to struggling film makers.
Unlike Zach Braff, Smith has decided to use the capital and influence he already has rather than use funding from the public.
Modern Moby Dick Story To Air At Sundance
Kibwe Tavares, whose previous short film Robots of Brixton won an award at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival, has released a new trailer for his latest film: Jonah.
Read Harrison Ford's Handwritten Script Notes From 'Raiders Of The Lost Ark'
Pages of the original script of Raiders of the Lost Ark have been released by a film trivia page on Tumblr called Cinephilia & Beyond. On it are Harrison Ford's adjustments to his lines and his development of the character of Indiana Jones.
Short Film 'Voice Over' Takes New Look At Storytelling
A new 10-minute movie from Kamel Films has been taking film festivals by storm, winning 44 awards for its humourous and incisive take on narrative.