Twitter Celebrates Tenth Anniversary With 140-Character Thank You Note
On March 21st, 2006, Twitter entered the social world. Ten years later, it has over 300 million active users and went public to the tune of more than $10 billion. Granted this is $30 billion less than 2013 and many people still misunderstand how to use it, but the company hopes to change these preconceptions wth its new ad.
Microsoft giving away Xbox 10th anniversary avatar item
As many of you probably already know from the copious amounts of images on your Dashboard, Xbox has turned 10 this week, and there's been all sorts of information and items being released (Halo Anniversary edition for one, review coming soon); but for those who actually take care of the cosmetic appearance of your avatar, there's something for you.
Grand Theft Auto 3 10th Anniversary edition announced.
The tenth anniversary of the first in a long string of heavily law-suited games will pre-empt the release of GTA's 3D debut on "select new generation iOS and Android devices" (translation: dual-core android phones, iPad 2, iPhone 4S only) this autumn.