Creepy Tinder Match Can’t Get The Hint? Stave Them Off With Burner’s Ghostbot
Technology, news Jason England Technology, news Jason England

Creepy Tinder Match Can’t Get The Hint? Stave Them Off With Burner’s Ghostbot

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of annoyingly harassing texts, chances are you are used to blocking phone numbers or have a script full of noncommittal responses. But what if you really can’t be bothered to deal with that anymore? Burner is here to help with Ghostbot - a bot that will blow off any creepers for you.

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Google and Oxford University Are Developing a "Kill-Switch" for Unruly AI
news, Science, Technology Jamie O'Flinn news, Science, Technology Jamie O'Flinn

Google and Oxford University Are Developing a "Kill-Switch" for Unruly AI

If you’re a person, the chances are that every time you hear a story about AI you think “but what about Terminator”. Turns out, the scientists are right there with you. DeepMind, the AI division of Google has teamed up with Oxford University to develop a “kill switch” for AI, should it become unruly in the future.

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Planet X Killed the Dinosaurs, And It Would Do It Again
news, Science Jamie O'Flinn news, Science Jamie O'Flinn

Planet X Killed the Dinosaurs, And It Would Do It Again

A few months ago, the mysterious Planet X aka Planet 9 was discovered. Despite that, it has yet to capture our hearts like its plucky predecessor, Pluto did. And now it seems unlikely it ever will. There is evidence to suggest that Planet X killed the dinosaurs, and one day it may well kill us too.

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Robots Can Now Feel Pain, Thanks to German Scientists
news, Science, Technology Jamie O'Flinn news, Science, Technology Jamie O'Flinn

Robots Can Now Feel Pain, Thanks to German Scientists

Have you ever looked at the electronics in your life and thought “I wish I could hurt you”? Well soon, you can! Researchers from the Leibniz University of Hannover are working on a way to get machines to feel pain. Granted, their goal isn’t sadism, but rather preservation. They hope that by responding to the stimuli of pain, machines will get themselves out of harm’s way before they are damaged or broken.

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World's Biggest Solar Power Plant Sets Itself On Fire
news Jamie O'Flinn news Jamie O'Flinn

World's Biggest Solar Power Plant Sets Itself On Fire

The biggest thermal power plant in the world experienced a literal meltdown last Thursday. The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in California set fire to itself after misaligned mirrors directed beams of molten sunlight at its own infrastructure.

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