Less Than 1% Of UK Adults Consider Loot Boxes To Be Gambling - That Needs To Change
Just 0.05% of adults in the UK have named loot boxes as a form of gambling. That is crazy, given the amount of airtime given to them in recent months…

5 Better Alternatives To The SNES Classic Edition
If you missed the pre-orders, give up now – you’re never going to get an SNES Mini. But little did you know there are five alternatives that are so much better, which are readily available to buy.

Moon-landing Conspiracy Debunked Using Video Game Graphics Cards
Nvidia, makers of video game graphics technology claim they have used it to recreate the lunar landing to prove it wasn't fake, refuting the hoax that it was filmed on a movie set.

'The Last Of Us' Is Being Made Into A Live-Action Movie
Naughty Dog's The Last of Us is being turned into a live-action movie by Sony subsidiary Screen Gems. It's easy to get excited about this classic being put to film, but many reservations are held based upon the quality of previous video game adaptations.

The Last Of Us Review
The post-apocalypse has been played out many times. A viral outbreak leading to the collapse of society has become a rather generic standard. Many have tried and some have prevailed; but none quite like The Last of Us.
The dystopian remnants and unforgiving journey show elements of inspiration from the likes of The Road and Children of Men. But most importantly, it shows a very different Naughty Dog to the typecasted creator of adventures like Uncharted or Crash Bandicoot.
Bioshock Infinite Review
Bioshock Infinite has entered a world of extremely high expectations.
Over the course of six years the first person shooter has grown stale, and Irrational Games are being looked to as the saviors, with a hope of reinvigorating the entire genre just like they did with the original Bioshock in 2007.
Developer ambitions and public aspirations, much like the in-game city of Columbia, are sky high. This amount of hype would ultimately lead to disappointment, as expectations would transcend any ordinary game.
But this is no ordinary game.
L.A. Noire Blooper Reel Reveals Excellent Motion Capture Technology

'Homesick.' Lucky Pause Kickstart Their Debut Game
Homesick, a truly gorgeous adventure/puzzle game, reminiscent of Myst and other precious gems from a bygone age is making the rounds on Kickstarter. With almost half of their $8,000 goal pledged, they need a little more help from you to see their vision come to life.
#1ReasonWhy: Women Expose Sexism In The Video Game Industry On Twitter
Female video game fans, writers and professionals have taken to Twitter to express their thoughts on gender discrimination, online sexual harassment and inequality in the gaming world. It started over 24 hours ago, in response to Twitter user @Burning_Luke asking, "Why aren't there more female game creators?"
Grand Theft Auto: RISE. Amazing Live Action Short Film
The second official trailer for Grand Theft Auto V isn't the only entertaining free-roaming crime video this week. Director Gevorg Karensky has created a live action short film inspired by the series, simply called RISE.

Pid Review
You come to realise that Pid is quite an odd game, emerging from the sea of recent indie platform games with an odd combination of politeness and eccentricity. This gaming premiere of Swedish developer Might and Delight casts you as Kurt, a schoolboy stranded on a distant planet after falling asleep on an intergalactic bus.
Kickstarter Project Exposed As A Scam
Probably the first of many to be made public; but certainly not the first in the history of Kickstarter. The crowdsourced funding network has fallen victim to a scam project: a role-playing game by the name of MYTHIC: The Story of Gods and Men.

Top Games For Valentines Day. Are You Playing Your Love Games With Me?
Embracing that emphatic feeling to scream your love for someone from the rooftops is both lame, and will not score you anything within this wonderful planet. So we're here to assist with a cavalcade (three to be precise) of video games that are destined to spice up your chances and bring romance into the air.
All about 8-bit Metal
So someone over a couple years ago took to the tablature program Guitar Pro and inputted their song of choice at the time, and created a MIDI playback via SCXX. Immediately, one is transported back to the likes of the Sega Master System, Atari 2600 and the Nintendo Entertainment System with a listen to merely one of these.
And henceforth, the 8-bit versions of metal songs were born in 2009: the absolute fascination being how some would suit so eloquently as soundtracks to video games, in some situations bettering the originals in an abstract sense. The combination of the raw buzzsaw sound of the chiptune with the melodical intricacies of the songs makes for a remeniscent experience. Basically, you'd never think metal would work in this sense; but it makes for a rather unique form of paying homage. Take a look at some of our favourites.
Game Of Thrones RPG Set For European Release
Focus Home Interactive today confirmed that it has signed a deal with Cyanide Studios for exclusive European publishing rights to the ambitious Game of Thrones RPG for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
Introducing The World's First Networked Urinal Gaming System
We’ve all heard of toilet games. These are the games that prove indispensable when ‘in the can’, satiating our gaming appetite amidst the tedium of going to the loo - short and sweet, instantly playable interactive experiences that use the most basic control methods (preferably one-handed) but have an addictive/rewarding presence about them.
Game of the Week: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
It’s odd how the cogs of the game industry turn. After days, weeks and months ticking off the days to pass us over the drought of summer releases, this week sees us treated to two of the biggest, most anticipated releases of the year. With minutes seeming like seconds and hours like mere minutes in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 thus far this week, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim promises to take whole days away from us completely with its mesmerising blend of high fantasy lore, deep role-playing mechanics and the natural beauty of its expansive world.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Review
Take note, dear reader, this is not the revolution that it may have been subconciously hyped up to be within your existence. To expect such a feat would be to ruin what product of near perfection you'll be holding in your hands from midnight tonight.
Game of the Week: Uncharted 3
Videogames’ self-proclaimed “silly season” is finally here. The drought of game releases over the summer period has come to an end; nights are drawing in, the temperature is moving closer to zero, and the release calendar is stuffed to capacity. But where best to place your hard-earned cash? Distancing ourselves from hyperbolic hype speak and unreachable expectations, what should you really be investing your time into? Over the coming weeks, allow New Rising Media to round-up the week’s freshest, most tantalising new releases. As a plucky red, blue and white plumber once said: here we go!
Playstation Home relaunches
Playstation Home is to be receiving the culminatory results of a major overhaul today. We're looking to get genre-themed districts and freemium games...that will most probably still not be used.