Soulja Boy Is Selling His Own Video Games Consoles
A lifetime of “cranking it” has come to an end, Soulja Boy has pivoted to selling his own video game consoles and gadget accessories.
#NRMPresents Max Weber - Interview With A Glitch Artist
Max Weber was born near Stuttgart, Germany in 1990. After an intership at a local design agency he became interested in the underlying structures that make up a brand, logo or concept. Combining his passion for music and sound with his design experience, he started studying audio design.
Although he is curious about a multitude of subjects, Max's primary interest is in the procedures at work behind art forms. Aside from Databending, Max also produces electronic music, predominantly influenced by Techno. He recently allowed me to interview him, after I discovered his work through Reddit.
The Original 'Google Phone' Revealed
As part of Google's court case continues against Oracle over Android, a set of slides have been shown today exposing photos of the original Google Phone: the first proposed Android device from way back in 2006.
Infographic of the day: What the tech!?
So how are people reacting to the iPhone 4S? You know, now that we've both hated and loved it, then ended in a mutual state of disdain. What people move to a DVD subscription model or the web streaming alternative? Will you buy the Kindle Fire? And if possible, would you go back to the previous Facebook layout? The results are both surprising and totally expected in our infographic of the day, courtesy of lab42.com.