Reddit Racism: An Open Secret
Reddit is, as you probably know, one of the internet's biggest websites, drawing in over 18 million visitors a month. With so many visitors, you are bound to get some bad apples; but reddit has a bigger problem with this than you might expect.
"Hackers" Discover Prototype Facebook Made By A 15-Year-Old Mark Zuckerberg
We all know Facebook, right? Whether you use it or not, it's pretty much everywhere, making creator Mark Zuckerberg one of the youngest ever billionaires as a result. But it seems that "hackers" have found one of Zuckerberg's early efforts.
Taco Bell Employee Allegedly Urinates On Order And Tweets The Photo
When will we learn? It seems there aren't a couple of days that go by these days without another social networking faux pas in which criminal acts are broadcast online for the world to see. A Taco Bell employee is the latest to see the cruel consequences of an ill-thought out act and subsequent tweet to his followers.
From The Guys Who Brought You 'Date A Gamer' Comes Shag A Gamer.com!
From everyone's favourite gamer dating site (not entirely verifiable) Date A Gamer comes a new match-up website dedicated to just one thing: bringing together geek gamer boys and girls for, in their own words, a “quick shag”. Chivalry really might be dead...
Might The Days Of Facebook Stalking Be Numbered?
Having already introduced changes to Facebook Chat that sees users informed when a message has been seen by a recipient – to the chagrin of avoidant types – now Facebook has announced an overhaul to Groups which allows users to identify exactly who and who has not seen certain posts. Were the company to roll out the feature to the rest of the site, could Facebook ‘stalking’ soon be a thing of the past?
Is Social Networking Killing Our Social Lives?
A study commissioned by badoo.com explores just how socially better off our lives are with the use of social networking. The statistics are concerning to say the least.
Facebook Suggests Friends You Don't Talk To For Acquaintance List
After introducing the 'close friends' and 'acquaintances' listing options last fall to a rather lukewarm reception, it was clear that the functionality was not something people wanted to waste their time with. Well Facebook thinks it has the answer, with the 'Acquaintance List' suggestion box.
BBC Tracks Down An Internet Troll
Trolling. We're all victims (and some of us perpetrators) of such internet activity. And while there is a wide variation of severity on the scale of what would be considered to be trolling, it became part of the discourse in yesterday's campaign against cyber-bullying, titled 'Safer Internet Day.' This expanded to an episode of Panorama, which managed to trace the location of infamous troll Nimrod Severn, and track the real man down for an 'ambush' interview.
How To Get Rid Of Facebook Timeline
So Timeline has been rather polarizing in terms of thoughts and opinions about it's design and functionality. Some accepting this complete renovation with open arms, warming positively to the 'scrapbooking' mentality of the implementation, whereas others detest this idea of yet further effort and attempts at expansion beyond the primary (and for most solitary) uses of sharing and communicating.
We already gave our thoughts about Timeline, and why it easily creates a love/hate relationship with the user; but what about those still unimpressed? What about those who clicked without consideration of the overhauling effects it entailed? What about those forced by the recent obligatory change, who want a revival of the 'old times?' Well we've got your back, with our guide about the matter.
Bare in mind, this only affects what you see, it doesn't reverse your Timeline (or anybody else's Timeline) to it's old state on a mass public scale. This formula utilises a tricking an identification code your browser sends to any website visited within it: the 'user agent.'
See, if you're reading this and using facebook within Internet Explorer 7, then chances are you have no idea what the big fuss is about, since it doesn't support Timeline, Ticker, or any of the recent updates that have fallen to the disdain of many-a-user. With this in mind, the concept is simple: if your browser impersonates IE7 with it's 'user agent,' you won't see another Timeline again, and with a file download (plus an extra app to clean up the experience), that's possible and really rather easy.
RIM Calls On Superheroes To Save Them. Twitter Campaign Backfires
So if you've had your ear to the ground for rumblings surrounding RIM, you'll have figured out that the company aren't doing so great. A big CEO switcharound, ever-reducing confidence in their lack of innovations, and a tablet that's failed to take off.
It's in these situations where we regress into our somewhat geek-ridden imaginations and conjur a super hero, well that's exactly what the company has done. 'The Bold Team' infographic was created off a Twitter campaign they did surrounding #BeBold resolutions, analysing 35,000 tweets worth of data and collating them into four cartoon personas.
Editorial: Twitter Is Not A Social Network
So Twitter CEO Dick Costolo sat down for a conversation with All Things D's Peter Kafka at D: Dive Into Media on Monday night. They discuss the recent outrage against Google's 'Search plus your world.' However, in his calm response, he answers another question we've been asking: exactly how will Twitter be defined?
US Detains And Deports Two Britons For "Destroy America" Tweets
Well this was going to happen at some point for sure. Brits Leigh Van Bryan and his friend Emily Bunting have been barred from America by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for two tweets about "diggin' up Marilyn Monroe" and "destroying America."
If anything, it shows the DHS' systems work in picking up possible 'social' terrorist threats; but we feel as if context may be missed somewhat. According to the two, who claim complete innocence, it's innocent British slang, and the Miss Monroe comment was a Family Guy reference. But, to be fair, in a country that has really stepped up it's security, saying “free this week for a quick gossip/prep before I go and destroy America? x” is pretty damn stupid.
Editorial: Open Graph Apps contradict the point of Facebook
So Facebook rolled out the full launch of it's Open Graph at their keynote this week. 60 Open Graph apps have been announced to inspire developers to adopt the new platform: implementing 'verbs' to better literate what you're doing, and unique designs to individualise their presence within the realm of your timeline.
Twitter Acquires News Service ‘Summify’
2012 is likely to be a huge year for Twitter. Having had a complete design overhaul at the end of last year, arguably only now is the social networking site beginning to truly find its feet as a more interactive, ‘stickier’ (referring to the time users stay on the site) and more enticing alternative to Facebook, Google+ and the like.
Lego has its own social network
Presenting ReBrick, a social network for an audience spanning from the Lego connoisseur to the individual remeniscing about their childhood bedroom floors full of colourful constructions. Quite literally, it's a Lego social network.
Facebook, Tumblr and Google +'s buggiest pages are works of Social art
Anybody found a page called 'Glitchr' on their respective social networks, as mentioned in the title? Turns out that they were created as an art project by Lithuanian, Laimonas Zakas.
The Facebook page, thus far has over 14,000 likes since the story went viral through multiple tech blogs, and is a primary focus due to it being the largest social network of all. The completely harmless page takes your chat navigation bar and spreads it down your screen in an almost wave-like style. Kind of like when your computer freezes and your open window sporadically multiplies as you drag it across the screen.
Nostalgia in the form of Video game maps drawn from memory
It seems weird seeing these drawings at first; but then you realise just how much detail of a video game world can be recalled soully from your memory. This is what tumblr blog Mapstalgia has chosen to celebrate.
Murdoch tweets about Myspace: ‘We Screwed Up in Every Way Possible’
We've received a personal insight, via Rupert Murdoch's Twitter account, into what the man on top of the world of News Corp thought of his organisation's Myspace conquests. The good thing is he saw it to be the catastrophe that we noted it to be also.
Many questions and jokes about My Space.simple answer – we screwed up in every way possible, learned lots of valuable expensive lessons.
Editorial: Why Social search may not be such a good idea
So it's probably been made abundantly clear, via multiple news stories and finding the functionality yourself as Google presents search results via it's Google+ service, that search has expanded to social, titled 'search, plus your world.'
And we also know, as the BBC reports, that Twitter isn't such a fan of this integration by Google, going so far as to say it is a "bad day for the internet." These comments have been made for the public facing reason of Twitter being a source of real-time information, which should be there for the user who wants the most relevant and up-to-date content. The more behind-the-scenes reasoning probably relates to their network not taking any precedence on the search, due to their partnership with Google ending quite a while ago.
Social networking strops aside, points have been made on both sides, and it's why I think Google's expanded social search isn't the best idea they've come up with, for both non-users and users of Google+. It's not going to benefit the people because it contradicts the foundation of such an impactful product as search. It does this in two ways.
Study shows how animals invented social networking
You'd be correct in thinking that conventional thinking of the moment is the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Google+ were human creations. However, a recent 10-year study into how animals behave has claimed otherwise, showing that social networking operates in the same fashion across all species.