Alcatel 5 Review - A Budget Smartphone With Premium Specs
The Alcatel 5 is a fine smartphone, made more attractive by a price tag of under £200 that helps you overlook the flaws.
Three Weeks With The iPhone XS - My Review
It’s been three weeks since I picked up my iPhone XS. I feel this is enough time to answer the definitive question - is it worth your money? Or should you wait for the cheaper XR?

Pixel 2 vs iPhone 8 - Did Google Just ‘Out-Apple’ Apple?
Google has announced the Pixel 2 -their flagship to beat the iPhone 8 and iPhone X - with attention to design, subtle nuances and hardware/software interplay you expect from an iPhone announcement. Has the search giant just outshined Apple?

EE is giving all customers a portable charger
Disappointed about the loss of your Wednesday weekly cinema offer? Hopefully EE can soften the blow by offering all of their customers a free portable charger, which you can walk into store and pick up from Thursday 16th April.

Google Announces Android KitKat
Google has confirmed that the next version of Android will be called KitKat. No, I'm not joking, KitKat, as in that chocolate bar available in either fingers or the chunky variety, will be the codename for Android 4.4. This keeps Android's tradition of naming each version after desserts; but this is the first with a deeply integrated (and rather delicious) joint marketing venture.

iPhone Photography Award Winners Showcase Stunning Smartphone Photos
The winners of the 2013 iPhone Photography Awards have been announced recently, showing the best of human creativity and the amazing capabilities of your smartphone to take mind blowing pictures. From towering architecture, to stunning vistas, and some haunting portraits to boot, these award winners are shaking the 'hipster' image of iPhone snaps.

Instagram 4.1 Adds Ability To Import Videos From Your Library
Instagram may have lagged behind Vine in providing a short video-sharing service, but they are moving ahead of the competition with one very sought after feature: importing video from your camera album.

Japanese Luxury Smart Toilet Vulnerable To Hacking
The Satis "smart toilet" controlled by a smartphone is vulnerable to hacks, security experts have warned. With Bluetooth access open to passers by, random strangers can operate the toilet's lighting, flush & bidet controls, and attack your back door for amusement.

New Rising Media Now Available On Google Currents
New Rising Media is now available on your smartphone through Google Currents.
The one feature request asked for most by our readers is mobile optimisation. With great stories, why not make them available on-the-go? Well, that may be coming sooner than you think; but we are now on one of the slickest news reading apps on iOS and Android.

Mood-Tracking App 'EmotionSense' Turns Your Phone Into A Pocket Therapist
Researchers at Cambridge University have developed an Android app naned 'Emotion Sense,' which tracks your happiness using a combination of smartphone data and users' perception of mood.
Fujitsu's Camera Software Reads Pulse In Real-Time By Looking At Your Face
Biometrics have flourished in past years. From securing your smartphone to tracking people through airports, it's gained a lot of interest. Fujitsu Laboratories is no exception to this trend, and from it’s continued development, they have created camera software that can read a person pulse from just their face.
Samsung Galaxy S4 Announced
Samsung have unveiled the Galaxy S4, their next generation smartphone at the 'UNPACKED' event. Titled the 'Life Companion,' it brings a new set of features to the table. Aesthetically, little has changed; but plenty of software and hardware upgrades are present.
Vertu Releases £7000 Android Smartphone, Handmade In England
Luxury smartphone maker Vertu has launched it's latest Android-powered handset, the VERTU Ti. Interested? You better dig deep as the Ti, made in Hampshire, costs €7,900 (£6,994).

Polytron Unveils World's First Transparent Smartphone
Taiwanese company Polytron has unveiled the world's first transparent mobile phone, suggesting they could be on store shelves by the end of the year. This fascinating prototype is made almost entirely out of glass, with only the circuit board, camera and memory card visible.
UK Scientists Will Launch A Smartphone Satellite Into Space
A team of scientists from the University of Surrey are preparing to send the world's first smartphone satellite into orbit.
Called STRaND-1 (the Surrey Training, Research and Nanosatellite Demonstrator), this 30cm CubeSat weighing 4.3kg is powered by the Google Nexus One smartphone, and will launch into a 785km sun-synchronous orbit.
Rumour: Samsung Galaxy S4 To Launch April 2013, To Feature ‘Unbreakable’ Screen?
Should we all survive the end of time as predicted by the Mayan calendar come 21st December, we could be seeing the next in the Galaxy S range, now onto the S4, as early as April 2013, with reports circulating that it may well feature an ‘unbreakable’ OLED screen.
Study Shows Mobile Phone Addiction Might Be Contagious
New research by the University of Michigan shows that you are more likely to pull out and use your mobile phone when someone around them does the same. Sort of like when you immediately yawn after someone else has; but whereas yawning is simply "contagious," this is a "contagious decision."
Vuzix M100 Eyes Up Google Glass
It appears Google has some much-needed competition, then, in its efforts to develop an augmented-reality head-mounted display - Vuzix has just announced the M100 hands-free smartphone display and communications system.
ZTE Teases 5.9-Inch, Full HD Windows Phone Phablet
With a display of 5-inches and a quad-core 1.6 GHz processor combined with 2GB of RAM, the Galaxy Note 2 is a beast in both stature and performance. But though its magnificent size somewhere between phone and tablet (the newly-coined ‘phablet’ is apt) is likely to turn many off, it still, just about mind, works. Tipping the scales at 5.9-inch, a new Windows Phone being teased by ZTE looks to be another matter entirely.