The Booby Trap: Twitch Needs To Do Something About Sexual Streamers
Dear Twitch, I want to love your platform. But you’ve really got to do something about these so-called “booby streamers.”

Return Of Kings: For Masculine Bigots
It's sad to see websites publish content that devolves humanity in some vain attempt to capture more of an audience and appear closer to the top of Google.

Facebook To Re-Assess Policy After Sexism Row
After a barrage of campaigning by women's groups, including over 5000 emails, Facebook has released a statement announcing improvements to the way they deal with inappropriate material.
#1ReasonWhy: Women Expose Sexism In The Video Game Industry On Twitter
Female video game fans, writers and professionals have taken to Twitter to express their thoughts on gender discrimination, online sexual harassment and inequality in the gaming world. It started over 24 hours ago, in response to Twitter user @Burning_Luke asking, "Why aren't there more female game creators?"
Pointless Sexism Of The Day: SomNote is 'Evernote For Women'
If, like me, you're a girl who just adores her gadgets and gizmobops, then there's a new App especially for you! Full of pretty colours and a whole host of features that you can get on only hundreds of other Apps, SomNote is the only way to sync notes and photos to the cloud without you getting your pretty little head all a flutter with big words, pictures that don't have smiley faces and sentences that don't end with exclamation marks!