'Breaking Bad' Episodes To Air On Netflix UK Immediately Following US Broadcast
The much anticipated final episodes of Breaking Bad will be available to watch on Netflix UK immediately following their US Broadcast. Starting from August 12th, episodes will be live every Monday after their stateside broadcast.
Game Dev Tycoon "Cracked" Version Unleashes Ironic Trick On Pirates
Game Dev Tycoon, a game about developing games, saw a cracked version released to several torrent sites, and pirates everywhere dipped in for a slice of fun pie. However, the "cracked" version was actually released by the Game Dev Game Devs themselves, and features a nasty surprise - anyone playing the pirated version will quickly find the game unplayable as every game they release is pirated into oblivion.
Blocking Pirate Websites Does Not Stop Online Piracy
Research conducted by Boston Northeastern University has determined various anti-piracy strategies, including censorship and blockades, are not effective in stopping the downloading of pirated content.
Virginia Man Handed $1.5 Million Fine For Sharing 10 Adult Movies
In a court case that has resulted in the largest ever damages penalty awarded in a BitTorrent case, a court in Illinois has ordered a man from Hampton, Virginia to pay $1,500,000 ($1.5 million) to adult entertainment company Flava Works for sharing just 10 of its gay porn movies on the popular file-sharing website.

Study Shows Teenagers Listen To Music More On Youtube Than Anywhere Else
A report from Nielson shows that most music consumption amongst young people happens on Youtube.
Rdio Redesigned To Compete With Spotify
Rdio has took to the stage at South by Southwest to announce an update to their website and desktop apps. The new look features revamped sharing options to compete with Spotify's robust community features and a remade interface.
Syndicate Devs' Hidden Message Urges Pirates To Apply For Jobs
Novel ways to prevent piracy of videogames don't come along too often, but when they do it's usually worth discussing; from Digital Rights Management (DRM) to one-time use activation codes, Cloud Copy Protection (employed by Ubisoft, but currently on hiatus as seen with its absence in AC: Revelations), unstoppable mutant scorpion (used by Serious Sam 3: BFE dev Croteam to discourage early piraters of the game and everything in-between.
MegaUpload Founder arrested. Anonymous takedown Justice Department and record label website in response
So Megaupload has been in and about the news, since the odd promotional music video, starring artists who said they have nothing to do with the video (making for a paradox of sorts). Things got more serious for the company and it's founder, Kim Dotcom, after the United States Justice Department filed charges against the site and had the man at Dotcom arrested.
Microsoft to Sue Comet for selling '94,000 counterfeit copies of Windows'
UK electronics retailer, Comet, is being taken to court by Microsoft for allegedly creating and selling unauthorised copies of its Windows operating systems.
Microsoft claim that the retailer created more than 94,000 Windows recovery discs for Vista and XP, and sold them to customers. They were sold between March of 2008 and December 2009, and while Comet sold this as an added extra to customers who wished to restore their computers to original configuration in the event of problems, the Redmond based technology company claim this is unfair to the consumer.
IP crimes=child labour and murder. McGruff the Crime Dog said so
The Department of Justice and McGruff the Crime Dog have released their latest media campaign yesterday, targeting the wide world of piracy.
The campaign ties the aforementioned piracy and counterfeiting to to rather unwanted outcomes such as drug trafficking, gang violence, child labour, and the usual suspects of the industry.