Forget The iPhone 5 For A Moment, New Touch And Nano Detailed
The iPhone 5 will quite rightly take the lion's share of coverage from Apple's feverishly-anticipated conference earlier today, but that isn't all that is new.
iPhone battery problems? Philips has an app for that
While we're waiting for the official fix to come out of beta from Apple, Philips has introduced a free app that goes some way to helping you get the most out of your battery lifespan on your iOS device.
GarageBand released on iPhone and iPod Touch
Simply put, we'd feel a tablet interface would be the most practical that a touch version of GarageBand could get. Seems as if we were wrong, according to Apple who released a version for iPhone and iPod Touch today.
Apple's music app has let anybody from experienced musicians to teens who think they can play an instrument create and record their own music ever since its iPad release in March of this year (much earlier on OS X). Now GarageBand 1.1 is out as a universal app with support for small iOS screens.
iOS5 review
Whereas the iPhone 4 strengthened the brand with its ultra-crisp, bright HD display, multi-tasking capabilities, front and rear facing cameras and much improved A4 processor; the 4S, however great it may be (that you hate and love at the same time), is relying heavily on the integral strength of its operating system. Without question, iOS5 is the star of the show this time round.