Gaming With Colour Blindness - A Largely Ignored Problem?
Gaming with colour blindness is a bigger problem than you may think, so what are developers doing to help?

Pokémon GO Is Broken. Here’s How To Fix It…
Recent Pokémon GO developments have inspired me to try the app again… Turns out it’s still as broken as I remember it.

There’s A Reason Why Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Is Harder Than The Original Games
Raging at how difficult Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is? Turns out you’re not the only one, and there’s a legit reason why this remaster is way harder...

Valve Announces SteamOS, A New PC Game Platform For The Living Room
Valve has announced SteamOS, bringing this PC gaming system to your living room. It combines the comprehensive Steam digital distribution platform with a user interface purpose-built for use on televisions, and is built for free on Linux.

Nintendo 2DS Announced. New 'Entry-Level' Handheld Console Without 3D
Nintendo has unveiled a new low-cost version of the 3DS that plays games in 2D. It will be released in the UK on October 12th for £109.99, according to pricing by GAME. This is probably one of the more confusing product decisions we've seen from the company in recent times, including the Wii-U.
Gamer Combines VR Headset With An Omnidirectional Treadmill
A company called Virtuix has shown what gamers can do when you combine the Oculus Rift VR Headset with their omnidirectional treadmill, bringing true virtual reality gaming into the home.
Kinect Concept 'IllumiRoom' Turns Your Entire Room Into A Video Game
Microsoft Research have lifted the veil on its latest concept named IllumiRoom, which uses a Kinect and a projector to expand video game graphics beyond the boundaries of the television, augmenting the room around it to amazing effect.
Start-Up Green Throttle Set To Bring Mobile Gaming To The Big Screen
It seems a week doesn’t go by without another doomer-and-gloomer reporting facts and figures that try to infer console gaming is dying a slow death. There’s no denying the popularity of touch-screen gaming and the like has exploded in recent years, while services like OnLive remove our reliance on consoles in favour of cloud computing. Start-up Green Throttle Games, meanwhile, hopes a console-less future will come in another form: namely, our smartphones and tablets.

Valve Brings Steam To The Living Room With 'Big Picture'
A lot of talk gets slung around about what’s better, PC gaming or console. It's a debate that continues to rear its ugly head whenever gamers of different backgrounds/tastes are in the same vicinity (that is, once we leave our bedrooms), but it's also one that so often is settled when everyone can come to agree it's not necessarily what's 'better' per se, but one that boils down to what each feels most comfortable with. Valve's very latest addition to Steam, however, has the potential to blur the lines between the two. It's called 'Big Picture' and it's everything you love about Steam, in your living room.

Portal Ported To Graphing Calculators
Reddit user Builderboy2005 has created his own version Portal for use on Texas Instruments graphing calculators (the TI-83 and TI-84 specifically). While we have seen past works of porting video games to calculators, it's especially amazing to see the space-warping mechanics of Valve's hit game working on these devices.
'Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie' Trailer Released
The Angry Video Game Nerd has been a hit sensation on the Internet for over one hundred episodes, and the first trailer for its film adaptation has been released.
‘Project Holodeck’ Hoping To Bring Full 3D Virtual Reality To Gaming
Labelled ‘Project Holodeck’ after the virtual reality system at the cutting-edge heart of the Star Trek films, a team from the University of Southern California are working on a system that will bring full 360-degree, full-body VR to gaming.
Battlefield 4 Is Coming, Will Likely Be Next-Gen
Don't act too surprised, but a follow-up to the immensely popular shooter Battlefield 3 from EA DICE has now been confirmed by its publisher, and those who pre-order Medal of Honor: Warfighter will have early access to the beta.
From The Guys Who Brought You 'Date A Gamer' Comes Shag A Gamer.com!
From everyone's favourite gamer dating site (not entirely verifiable) Date A Gamer comes a new match-up website dedicated to just one thing: bringing together geek gamer boys and girls for, in their own words, a “quick shag”. Chivalry really might be dead...
Microsoft Patents Pressure-Sensitive Controller That Can Identify The User Holding It
Filed just yesterday and spotted by Engadget, Microsoft has filed for a patent that would imply the company behind the Xbox 360 is working on gaming controllers that could detect a users’ identity based on the pressure exerted by the grip on the pad.
'Snake The Planet': Taking Classic 8-Bit Gaming To The Side Of Buildings
It's likely you're all familiar with the simple, classic, yet oh-so-addictive game 'Snake' by now. First introduced to arcades in the late 1970s, it was when mobile phone manufacturer Nokia began pre-loading the game onto its old monochrome-display phones when it exploded into the public consciousness, where it has remained ever since. Now, a team of media artists and computational designers – known by the name Mobile Projection Unit (you'll see why) – are taking the classic game one step further, and in a very big way – the side of buildings big.
Ministry Of Defence uses video game tech to increase combat simulation realism
Video game-esque combat simulations are nothing new in military training; but the MoD's war games have been turned down by recent trainees due to them not being realistic enough.
Turns out that compared to the visual quality of your standard war FPS games like Call of Duty have one-upped what was being used to train the fresh recruitsat the Ministry of Defence. With this in mind, significant upgrades have been made to its simulations, in order to bring them up to par with the aforementioned console titles.
Editorial: The importance of video game visuals
True photo-realistic visuals within gaming are, to many, the Holy Grail of the medium.
It’s why game developers strive to produce the most stunning ultra hi-res textures, multi-
million polygonal models and sophisticated lighting models on a daily basis, satiating our
appetite for such sparkling HD fare.
Editorial: Kinect Comes To Halo: Anniversary: Has Motion Control Gone Too Far?
Today 343 Industries made it known, to my chagrin, that Halo: Anniversary would be receiving Kinect support. I’ll admit it; I was a huge advocate of Kinect. I was entranced by Spielberg’s childlike enthusiasm that it would “change the paradigm of storytelling and social interaction”, overly susceptible to Milo and Kate’s charms, vulnerable to Lionhead’s Peter Molyneux projections that motion control will bring us ever closer to a truly immersive 'experience'.