What Can We Expect From The Next Generation Xbox?
The day of reckoning is fast approaching. After what is perhaps one of the longest console generations ever seen, Microsoft will finally announce their next iteration of the wildly successful Xbox.
Otherkin: An Unseen World Of The Non-Human
It's difficult to know how to begin this feature, so I shall come right to the point: Otherkin are a mostly internet-based subculture of people who identify strongly with animals and other non-human beings, including dragons, demons, and fairies. Though a small community, they are still a significant number of people who believe something that the rest of us may find difficult to understand.
All about the new Twitter.com
So if you've been on Twitter over the past 12 hours, you'll have noticed that things look a little different to say the least. The social microblogging service received a major upgrade, packing new functions and an all new design, forming the most significant update of Twitter yet. Here's what has changed both on the face of it and under the hood.