Mood-Tracking App 'EmotionSense' Turns Your Phone Into A Pocket Therapist
Researchers at Cambridge University have developed an Android app naned 'Emotion Sense,' which tracks your happiness using a combination of smartphone data and users' perception of mood.
Rumour: Kinect 2 Can Lip-Read And Interpret Facial Emotions
The successor to Microsoft’s hugely successful motion-sensing device, Kinect, will be so accurate that it will be able to lip-read and be able to detect human emotion from subtle facial expressions, Eurogamer reports.
The Computer System that recognises human emotion via your voice
Two groups of scientists in Spain have created a prototype computer system that is able to recognize the emotional state of a person from the intonations in his/her voice.
A significant step forward from the run-of-the-mill automated telephone services (you know, the ones that ask "you said *insert word here* is that correct?" after every phrase), this is set to be slightly less annoying, thanks to the Universidad Calos III de Madrid and Universidad de Granada in Spain's research.