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Infographic: A Break Down Of The Internet In A Day
The internet is vast. It is a constantly changing landscape of GIFs and cats, which will make our future generations severely question our levels of productivity (blame Reddit). But what exactly happens in a single day on the web? How much content is created and shared in this enormous virtual space? The team at internetserviceproviders.org investigated and produced this rather nifty infographic about it.

An Email From A Christian: Our Reliance On Energy Has Doomed Us All
So I received a rather condemning email from a Christian, which begins by following the classic 'doom and gloom' scenario of we people condemning ourselves through our lives of sin. Standard practice for several emails that I and probably various other journalists receive.
But this is different.
What Happens To Your Digital Life When You Die?
The after-thought of your mortality: all of your social profiles and cloud stored items create the sum of one digital personification of the self. What happens to this when you die?
This has been something that Life Insurance Finder have been exploring rather thoroughly recently, and after releasing their blogazine on the matter not too long ago, they've delved further into the matter with a video infographic.
SOPA protesters really hate the Scottish Organic Producers Association
In what is possibly the most idiotic and hilarious mix-up we've seen in a long time, during this timeframe of the general populous expressing their opposition towards SOPA, the Scottish Organic Produers Association saw an unfathomable spike in internet traffic. This was paired with many emails of threats and demands that they stop what they are doing.
All our Google Mail dreams come true with upgrades
The new-look Gmail, wich Google accidentally told Mashable about last week, is now rolling out to all users, and my filters have never looked so good.
Google officially made the announcements via a blog post today, giving users greater control over how their service looks. From three settings of email density (Comfortable, Cozy and Compact) to dragging sidebars to cater your perfect size of the particular sectors, and choosing from a selection of high-resolution backgrounds, the design conscious kind have been taken care of.