Here's What 'Spyro The Dragon' Would Look Like If It Was Made Today
A lot of classic games are being recreated using Unreal Engine, from Goldeneye 64 to Metal Gear Solid. Thanks to one redditor and a student from Sheffield Hallam University, we can add Spyro The Dragon to the list.

Someone just found a rare Nintendo Playstation console prototype
Someone on Reddit has shared pictures of what looks like the prototype of the SNES-CD, a cancelled collaboration between Sony and Nintendo to bring a CD-ROM attachment to your Super Nintendo.

Internet Porn Comments Depicted By Lego
When it comes to porn, it's fair to say the comment sections can be a source of hilarity. So when Alex Eylar decided to re-enact some of these comments in a more innocent context using Lego, the comedy value is drastically increased.

Star Wars Vs. Game Of Thrones Subreddit Compares Two Rather Similar Universes
When separate, the differences seem vast; but compare them and the similarities become clear. That is exactly what's happened in the 'Star Wars Vs. Game of Trones' Subreddit, which spars these two major media properties in some of the funniest memes we've seen lately.

Reddit Racism: An Open Secret
Reddit is, as you probably know, one of the internet's biggest websites, drawing in over 18 million visitors a month. With so many visitors, you are bound to get some bad apples; but reddit has a bigger problem with this than you might expect.
Easily Faked Pictures Claim The Next Xbox Could Be Called 'Xbox Infinity'
Following Microsoft's countdown to unveiling the next Xbox unveiled next month, it's fair to say speculation has been rather wild lately. But none have sent gamers into more of a recent frenzy than two different images that suggest this next generation console will either be called "Xbox Infinity," or simply "Xbox."
#NRMPresents Max Weber - Interview With A Glitch Artist
Murderer Uses 'Confession Bear' Meme To Admit Crime
A Reddit user uploaded an image on Quickmeme, saying “My sister had an abusive meth addict boyfriend/I killed him with his own drugs while he was unconscious and they ruled it as an overdose." Of course, as it is the internet (especially Reddit), these things have to be taken with a pinch of salt; but as the story unfolds it would be fair to assume that somebody has committed a murder and confessed to it via a meme.
'Westeroscraft.' Game Of Thrones World Recreated In Minecraft In Unbelievable Detail
Many impressive Minecraft creations have appeared since release; but none quite as mindblowing as Westeroscraft. A team of 100 people have painstakingly worked over 4 months to recreate the entire Westeros continent from George R. R. Martin's fantasy world, including the capital of King's Landing.

'Pokémon 3D' Remakes Gold/Silver As First-Person RPG
It's fair to say that a 3D Pokemon game for home consoles has been at the top of fans' lists ever since the original released. This isn't quite the game you've dreamt of; but it's the entire universe of Pokemon Gold/Silver, ready to be explored in all three dimensions.

Portal Ported To Graphing Calculators
Reddit user Builderboy2005 has created his own version Portal for use on Texas Instruments graphing calculators (the TI-83 and TI-84 specifically). While we have seen past works of porting video games to calculators, it's especially amazing to see the space-warping mechanics of Valve's hit game working on these devices.
“This Is Why You Don't Buy An iPad From Walmart”
We've all come across our fair share of broken or malfunctioning electronic products, no doubt, but never has it crossed my mind at least exactly how such consumables come to be in that state. If you've ever bought an iPad from a Walmart store in Pikeville, KY however, then you likely now have ammunition to form an educated guess...
eBay Bidding War For 'A Piece Of Cardboard Shaped A Bit Like An iPhone 5' Reaches Over £200,000
The bidding for 'A piece of cardboard (shaped a bit like an iPhone 5)- USED' has been stopped at £200,100 by eBay. The product was removed on the grounds of 'false advertising' (surrounding calling it an iPhone 5); but has been claimed as a charity effort by supporter Julia McGill on her Just Giving page.
Notorious Reddit Troll Looks For Employment In The Porn Industry
He was behind the popular aggregating website's most egregious and downright perverted subreddits – including but not limited to r/rapebait, r/incest and r/jailbait – and is now of the most notorious Internet trolls since being outed by Gawker. But now having lost his job and apologised for the majority of his online actions, 'Violentacrez' is looking for employment in the porn industry. And he's using his 'credentials' as a Reddit moderator to get him there...
Behold The Scrollable, Zoomable 2D ‘Map’ Of The Internet
Though it might at first glance appear to be a colourfully-drawn visualisation of our solar system, the above image has in fact been created by Russian technology firm Positive Communications and is a fully-interactive 2D ‘map’ of the Internet. It’s one in which each circle is a unique website, and each ‘cluster’ of entities are site’s with a similar connection; be it videogames, technology, global news, or popular search results.

Here's What Jupiter Would Look Like If It Was The Same Distance From Us As Our Moon
Space is massive, we get it. In fact, to us as humans, trying to get even the faintest inclination of the scope and size of our own solar system, let alone the universe or the milky way, is a task inconceivably difficult. To make sense of it all, there's a treasure trove of information, diagrams and visualisations out there that give us a remote idea of how enormous space and its respective planets truly are. But even so, few can match this picturesque effort by Redditor jb2386.
Civilization II Played For Ten Years. Humanity's 'Nightmare Of Suffering' Revealed
The world has always been predicted to come to a rather horrifying demise due to various different acts of tyranny by the human race. While we may have listened and ignored in the past, one redditor and his decade-long playthrough of Civilization II has made us think differently.
Kickstarter Project Exposed As A Scam
Probably the first of many to be made public; but certainly not the first in the history of Kickstarter. The crowdsourced funding network has fallen victim to a scam project: a role-playing game by the name of MYTHIC: The Story of Gods and Men.
Syndicate Devs' Hidden Message Urges Pirates To Apply For Jobs
Novel ways to prevent piracy of videogames don't come along too often, but when they do it's usually worth discussing; from Digital Rights Management (DRM) to one-time use activation codes, Cloud Copy Protection (employed by Ubisoft, but currently on hiatus as seen with its absence in AC: Revelations), unstoppable mutant scorpion (used by Serious Sam 3: BFE dev Croteam to discourage early piraters of the game and everything in-between.