7 Of The Best Movies Based On Games
Video games and movies have a mixed relationship. In this list, let’s celebrate the high points with the 7 best films based upon games that have ever been created!

'This is Madness.' Star Wars Launches 64-Character March Madness Bracket
Ever wondered who would win in a galactic mash-up of the most elite Star Wars characters? Adding a touch of the Force to 'March Madness' proceedings, the team at StarWars.com have announced their own bracket, simply named 'This Is Madness.'
Intel-Powered Smartphone Performance ‘Better Than Any Other’
Tests carried out on the latest handsets powered by Intel chips has concluded performance exceeds the levels seen in current, at-market smartphones; including Apple’s iPhone 4S and Samsung’s Galaxy Nexus and the Galaxy S2. The results come from a series of ‘benchmarking’ tests carried out by website Anandtech on Intel’s ‘Medfield’ reference platform.
Nostalgia in the form of Video game maps drawn from memory
It seems weird seeing these drawings at first; but then you realise just how much detail of a video game world can be recalled soully from your memory. This is what tumblr blog Mapstalgia has chosen to celebrate.