Japanese Students Create Impossibly Complicated Clock That Re-Writes The Time Every Minute
No matter how many smartwatches enter the market, nothing will compare to the mechanical fascination of analogue. Watching all the gears, springs and cogs spinning makes for an almost hypnotic experience. Students at the Tohoku University of Art And Design in Japan have taken note of this, creating incredibly complicated clock that writes out the time.

Facebook Is Secretly Making Amazing Computer Art With Your Photos
Computer art is awesome, especially if it's hidden in plain sight. It's been discovered that every photo you upload to Facebook or Instagram is secretly being replicated as a html page using ASCII. Put simply, your images are being converted to text and they look incredible!

Algorithm Teaches Tetris To Draw Famous Video Game Characters
The Tetris Printer Algorithm, created by Software architect Michael Birken, is a program with the ability to draw using Tetris pieces. By autonomously playing the famous puzzle game, the algorithm can create images by rotating, positioning and dropping Tetriminos.
#NRMPresents Max Weber - Interview With A Glitch Artist
Superheroes Sponsored By Corporations: The Way Of The Future
We usually assume that most of our day today superheroes get their money through government funding, like Captain America, or though their successful, highly paid jobs, such as Tony Stark (Iron man).
'Sound Bottle' Captures And Remixes The Soundtrack Of Your Life
Re: Sound Bottle is rather unlike any audio recording device you've ever seen before. It's a device that captures and plays back noises, operated by the simple act of lifting the cork and opening the bottle.
The Decelerator Helmet. Live Your Life In Slow Motion
German artist Lorenz Potthast has created an experimental helmet called The Decelerator, which allows the user to perceive their world in slow motion. It seems that the invariantly constant stream of time has been digitally broken.
Mechanical Ceiling Recreates The Feeling Of Being Underwater
The natural subtleties of water's surface is one that many would not assume as up for technological interpretation. That was until artist David Bowen unveiled his installation Underwater: real-time wave patterns captured by a Kinect, and mapped to a mechanical ceiling for recreation.
Alcohol Art: Booze Put Under The Microscope
With swathes of colour and bright, vivid ribbons of light filling the canvas, you'd be forgiven for thinking the pictured image above is a piece of modern artwork drawn from a painter's palette. Instead, it's a photograph of an alcoholic beverage under microscope – this particular one being The Dude's favoured White Russian cocktail – from a series called BevShots.
Facebook, Tumblr and Google +'s buggiest pages are works of Social art
Anybody found a page called 'Glitchr' on their respective social networks, as mentioned in the title? Turns out that they were created as an art project by Lithuanian, Laimonas Zakas.
The Facebook page, thus far has over 14,000 likes since the story went viral through multiple tech blogs, and is a primary focus due to it being the largest social network of all. The completely harmless page takes your chat navigation bar and spreads it down your screen in an almost wave-like style. Kind of like when your computer freezes and your open window sporadically multiplies as you drag it across the screen.