Anonymous Plan To Take Down Facebook On 5 November?
Remember, remember, the fifth of November. Given the hacker groups' affiliation to the Guy Fawkes mask, the decision by hacker collective Anonymous to take down Facebook on bonfire night seems far from coincidental. But posting a warning to Zuckerberg and co. and social gaming giant Zynga in a stern warning message earlier this week, that's exactly what it intends to achieve.

AntiSec Publishes One Million Apple Device IDs Following FBI Breach
AntiSec hackers have posted 1,000,001 iPhone and iPad identification numbers onto Pastebin, with the claim this data was stolen from a laptop belonging to an FBI agent.
The Untraceable Dealer: $2 Million Exchanged On Underground Drug Site Every Month
A comprehensive analysis of underground trade website Silk Road has uncovered it is accounting for nearly $2 million worth of drug sales every month of operation. Nicknamed the 'anonymous marketplace', Silk Road is the place for suppliers of illegal drugs and other black-market goods. In operation largely under the radar of your average peruser of the Internet, its a digital black market common to all kinds of illegal trade.
Taco Bell Employee Allegedly Urinates On Order And Tweets The Photo
When will we learn? It seems there aren't a couple of days that go by these days without another social networking faux pas in which criminal acts are broadcast online for the world to see. A Taco Bell employee is the latest to see the cruel consequences of an ill-thought out act and subsequent tweet to his followers.
Two UK Teenagers Plead Guilty To Hacking As Part Of LulzSec
Two teenagers from the UK have confessed to being part of Lulzsec and pleaded guilty to multiple charges of attacking several high-profile websites.
#TwitterPedoRing: Anonymous Begin Naming And Shaming Suspected Twitter Paedophiles
“You mess with our children, you mess with us” was the statement coming from hacktivist group Anonymous in order to signify its intentions to begin a campaign to name and shame suspected paedophiles that use Twitter to prey on underage children.

Anonymous Intercept Phone Call Between FBI And Scotland Yard
Hacktivist group Anonymous have released a recording of a telephone conversation between the FBI and Scotland Yard, in which they discuss ongoing investigations into activities surrounding the aforementioned hacking network.
MegaUpload Founder arrested. Anonymous takedown Justice Department and record label website in response
So Megaupload has been in and about the news, since the odd promotional music video, starring artists who said they have nothing to do with the video (making for a paradox of sorts). Things got more serious for the company and it's founder, Kim Dotcom, after the United States Justice Department filed charges against the site and had the man at Dotcom arrested.
Anonymous hit US security think-tank
Hacktivist group Anonymous claim they have stolen thousands of emails, passwords and credit car details from Stratfor: a US-based data security firm.
Information at the Austin-based company was unecrypted, meaning obtaining the information was a simple operation. Rather troubling since Stratfor's clients include the likes of the US defence department, Apple inc., various law enforcement agencies and media organisations. The firm has since suspended all operations on their servers.
Facebook Fights back against porn and violence spam
Ever thought that your Facebook new feed is looking a lot more...voyeuristic lately? What about the occasional inclusion of a death scene photo, or of extreme violence? The social network is investigating these images that spammers have planted.
Anonymous conquest against Zetas called off as member is freed
After a tense week for the Mexican Zeta drug cartel (and their of 'associates' ranging from policemen to politicians), the fellow member of Hacktivist group, Anonymous has been released, and the threats to expose the cartel have been called to an end.
Anonymous target Mexican drug cartel for kidnapping one of their own
Online culture jammers, Anonymous, have put out a video threatening Mexico's Zetas drug cartel with the exposure of their close ties in the local police and news media this week unless the gang release a kidnapped member of the international hacker movement.
Anonymous targets child pornography
So after taking down the likes of Sony and threatening the destruction of Facebook, Anonymous has turned its online vigilantism and activism to the world of child pornography sites.
The “hacktivists” are targeting web host Freedom Hosting and accusing it of knowingly hosting child pornography. This marks a paradigm shift for Anonymous, moving away from hitting big corporate businesses in the name of anarchism to a more noble goal.
Google+ to add pseudonimity and app support
Taking the Facebook initative of a developer community, and treading on the toes of Anybeat, SVP of Social Vic Gundotra has announced that Google+ will support pseudonyms and add compatability with the range of other Google apps.