Facebook Admits The Obvious - Social Media Can Be Bad For Democracy
In a complete flip-flop from saying they had “no impact” on the 2016 election, Facebook has finally admitted that social media is bad for democracy - surprising absolutely nobody.
Editorial: Slender Is Not Scary
I followed the advice: play Slender at midnight wearing headphones. The psychologically troubling atmosphere and sheer tension my friends described was enough to excite anyone who thinks of the original Silent Hill as one of his favourite games.
I take a second to prepare myself, and I play, only to find a disappointly tame experience. Why?
All about the new Twitter.com
So if you've been on Twitter over the past 12 hours, you'll have noticed that things look a little different to say the least. The social microblogging service received a major upgrade, packing new functions and an all new design, forming the most significant update of Twitter yet. Here's what has changed both on the face of it and under the hood.
Grand Theft Auto V Trailer analysis
"Why did I move here?" A male voice asks. "Guess it was the weather." The countdown is over. The Grand Theft Auto V trailer went live a few minutes ago, and it reveals a lot...through revealing next-to-nothing at all.