Headset 'Brand Killer' filters out ads from the real world
A team of hackers have created a headset that can block out any brands, logos or adverts in the real world. Put simply by the developers, it's "AdBlock for Real Life."

Hilarious Star Wars Infomercials Advertise To A Galaxy Far, Far Away
While you may think Jedi warriors, Sith Lords or Ewoks may not be the best audience for QVC-esque advertising, YouTuber TheGamerChick has disproved this with a rather hilarious set of infomercials.
Interactive 'Darkroom' Film Hides A Secret That Only Your Camera Can See
A fantastic interactive advert created for the International Federation of Photographic Art has been released, promoting the message of urging people to try the manual settings on their cameras.
Tesco Comes Up Trumps With Modern Warfare 3’s Best Ad Yet
As keen purveyors of gaming advertisements, recent months have seen us indebted to some of the most inventive, engaging and seductive ads in quite some time.
Fuelled by marketing budgets in the millions, we’ve bear witness to an awe-inspiring Forza Motorsport 4 ad that has rekindled our passion for motorsport, seen a downright gritty interpretation of Tamriel in Skyrim’s live-action trailer and laughed at the superbly-played ‘Vet versus Noob’ advert for Modern Warfare 3 featuring a stoic, down-to-business Sam Worthington and a bumbling Jonah Hill.
Modern Warfare 3 Live action trailer
From the recent trend in video-game advertising, it's been pretty clear that live action is definitely in for this season, as Activision jump on the bandwagon and promote Modern Warfare 3 with a flight of humour and noob pwning.