9 Big Predictions For E3 2019
E3 2019 is just around the corner - here are my big predictions for the show.

The End Of Traditional Games Consoles Starts Now
With Google’s cloud gaming announcement, Stadia, comes a ticking clock to the eventual demise of traditional games consoles.

5 Bold E3 2018 Predictions
Let’s not make the same boring E3 2018 predictions… Here are 5 big bets about what we’re going to see at the show!

It’s About Time Accessible Gaming Was Taken Seriously
With the release of Microsoft’s Xbox Adaptive Controller, I applaud an industry that is finally looking out for the needs of the disabled gaming community - but let’s not forget the 30+ years of history that led to this development.

5 Classic Consoles That Should Get The Mini Rebirth Treatment
Following Nintendo’s massively successful run of 'Classic Edition’ retro console reboots, it got me thinking about what other consoles I’d love to see reborn…

Microsoft E3 2016 Press Conference LIVE
Microsoft will be the first of the major console manufacturers to throw their hat in the ring at this year’s E3 – and you can watch it right here LIVE!

Watch The Microsoft E3 2013 Press Conference Here LIVE
After announcing the Xbox One a few weeks ago, Microsoft are back at E3 to let us know more about the next gen eration console, along with announcing some of the games that will be launched on it. Watch it here live.

Xbox One Or Playstation 4? Our Readers Respond
The console wars have begun again. Sony and Microsoft will be releasing their next generation hardware this year. So with this in mind we wanted to know which you are most excited for: The Xbox One or the Playstation 4?

Next Generation 'Xbox One' Announced
After much hype and speculation, Microsoft has officially unveiled their next generation console, the Xbox One. Don Mattrick (pictured) made the announcement to a huge round of applause, planning to make it the 'All-in-one' system in your living room.

Porn Confirmed For Next Generation Xbox
Speculation surrounding tomorrow's Xbox reveal has reached fever pitch; but the one feature 100% confirmed is the option to stream porn on it, via the appropriately named 'SugarDVD.'

What Can We Expect From The Next Generation Xbox?
The day of reckoning is fast approaching. After what is perhaps one of the longest console generations ever seen, Microsoft will finally announce their next iteration of the wildly successful Xbox.
Easily Faked Pictures Claim The Next Xbox Could Be Called 'Xbox Infinity'
Following Microsoft's countdown to unveiling the next Xbox unveiled next month, it's fair to say speculation has been rather wild lately. But none have sent gamers into more of a recent frenzy than two different images that suggest this next generation console will either be called "Xbox Infinity," or simply "Xbox."
'SimSensei.' Xbox Kinect Software Detects Depression With 90% Accuracy
The Kinect for Xbox 360 has always been a bit of a playground for modders and techies, and a team of Computer scientists at the University of Southern California run by Stefan Scherer have used the device to determine, with 90% accuracy, whether or not you are depressed.
Microsoft To Introduce 'Xbox TV' To Take On Apple TV?
Citing “multiple sources familiar with Redmond’s plans”, The Verge has been tipped that Microsoft is planning to launch an Xbox-branded set-top box, similar to Apple TV, built to deliver movies and TV shows as found on the 360 marketplace, as well as more ‘casual games’ – most likely to be downloadable Xbox Live Arcade titles.
Microsoft Planning 7-Inch Surface Tablet For Xbox 720?
Microsoft seemingly isn’t keen on resting on its laurels any time soon. Despite just launching the Surface with Windows RT tablet to consumers across the globe, and with the Surface with Windows 8 just around the corner, the company has plans to build a 7-inch Surface gaming tablet that may well be used in conjunction with the next-generation Xbox, a la Wii U.
Microsoft Patents Yet Another Game-Changer: 'Wearable Controllers'
You'd better start believing Microsoft is planning something big in the years to come. Forget perfunctory add-on motion controls for a moment, because a patent filed by Microsoft has been uncovered alluding to technology that may just break new videogame ground in the Xbox 720.
'Xbox 720' Sells On Ebay For $20,000
The long-rumoured next generation Xbox is seemingly well on its way, with strong indications Microsoft has been shipping out ‘Xbox 720’ devkits to next-gen developers for some time. Now, what appears to be an authentic 720 devkit has sold on eBay for a sum topping $20,000.
Microsoft E3 2012 Press Conference LIVE
Gamers, twenty-four of the most important hours of the year starts here. Welcome to the E3 press conferences, with the first to drop being Microsoft's, and we'll be showing the whole thing LIVE.
Xbox Live’s Sex Pests ‘Move In On Prey Within Two Minutes’, Reports Metro
How’s this for a sensationalist, videogame-bashing headline: ‘Xbox paedophile predators 'move in on prey within two minutes of contact’'? If there was ever a reason to cry fowl of the mainstream presses misunderstanding and vindication of gaming, it’s right here. London’s daily free-sheet Metro today brings alarmist reporting and misplaced fear-mongering to an all-new high, reporting ‘alarming findings’ that makes the paedophile population of Xbox Live sound like a feral pack of ferocious lions stalking their evening meal across the dusty plains of online lobbies, leaderboards and friends lists. An image used of the first-generation Xbox is the icing on the cake.
Microsoft Patent Suggests Next Xbox Will Include DVR Features
With this generation of consoles, all Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo have made significant strides in making each of their respective machines an integral part of the living room. It started with movie downloads, but now encompasses everything from live-streamed TV (including Sky TV programmes), integration with rental services such as Blinkbox, LOVEFiLM and Netflix and implementation of social networking.