Apple’s Ridiculous Cult Of Secrecy Needs To Stop
Apple’s unfair firing of one engineer proves that their ridiculous cult of secrecy has no place in 2017.

It’s The End Of YouTube As We Know It
Watching one YouTuber react to Jake Paul and his dad taking part in kissing competition by kissing the same 18-year-old girl made me realise one thing – YouTube is fucked beyond repair.
Snapchat Spectacles Review: Do They Hold Up Without The Hype?
Now that Snapchat Spectacles are available online, the sheen of vending machine-related exclusivity is now off. That makes this the perfect time to post a long term review of my own pair.

Watch Episode 2 Of New Rising Media's New Weekly Show 'Fast Future'
From Metal Gear Survive and an Asteroid-catching robot, to a new life for the Wii balance board, Episode two of 'Fast Future' is now live - covering all of last week's top stories.

No, Nicola. Facebook Will Not Be All Video In Five Years. Text Will Live On
Excuse me for being pedantic in picking a throwaway line from a longer discussion - but with the implied huge changes in Facebook user behaviour, I feel the need to jump to the defence of text.

Man Arrested For Overdue 'Freddy Got Fingered' VHS Rental From 2002
A man in North Carolina has been arrested for failing to return a VHS copy of the Tom Green movie Freddy Got Fingered, which he rented in 2002.

Vlog One - Royal Rumble Review And British Toy Fair 2016
I went along to cover the British Toy Fair, but not before watching the WWE Royal Rumble live with my mates (hence the huge bags under my eyes). Here's a day in the life of me, driving down to London and running around like a tired mad man.

New Rising Media and Neo-Entity presents Hotline Love Actually
It's Christmas, and the usual tradition is to repetitively watch Die Hard and Love Actually! With that in mind, we and Neo-Entity have got together and prepared a present for you that answers a simple question: What if Love Actually was set in 2015?

What happens if you give a GoPro to a Jedi? Magic happens.
As a reader of this website, chances are you've dreamed of being a Jedi at some point in your life. The over-the-top lightsaber battles, repelling stormtrooper blaster fire, using the force to take out your foes. It's all one amazing pipe dream, but YouTuber Bill Parker has created this great creative video of a Jedi strapping a GoPro to himself and fighting the Empire in the desert.

New Skyrim Mod Replaces Dragons With Thomas The Tank Engine
Every felt like your experience with Skyrim felt lacking without the presence of Thomas the Tank Engine? Well your prayers have been answered, as Pastaspace's mod turns every dragon into the cheeky little engine. It's a rather surreal experience!

Original Star Wars Blooper Reel Is Hilarious
Star Wars fans were given a treat on Reddit today in the form of a 36-year-old outtake reel from the original trilogy. Put simply, it's hilarious.

#NRMPresents 'The True-View.' 3D Photos & Video On Your 2D Smartphone
The classic View-Master is dragged into the 21st century with 'The True-View.' The 3D smartphone fad died a couple years ago, so what if you want the best of both worlds? That is where this pretty beautifully designed device comes in, allowing you to take 3D photos and videos on your 2D phone.