3D Artists use Unreal 4 to make mind-blowing recreations of Silent Hill and Bloodborne
James Brady of The Creative Assembly (makers of the excellent Alien: Isolation) has shown off his artistic talents by remaking the classic Midwich Elementary School from Silent Hill in Unreal Engine 4. Clearly a common trend among artists, EA DICE's Simon Barle has used the engine to remake Hunter's Dream from Bloodborne.

Here's What The Original 'Metal Gear Solid' Would Look Like If It Was Made Today
Konami has had a lot of bad press recently when it comes to Metal Gear Solid. But they have an opportunity to make some reparations by supporting Shadow Moses, a gorgeous fan-made remake of the Playstation One classic using Unreal Engine 4.

Here's What Nintendo 64's 'Goldeneye' Would Look Like If It Was Made Today
Goldeneye 007 for Nintendo 64 will always have a special place in our hearts, mostly of sheer frustration when someone picked Oddjob. But what would the legendary split-screen game be like if it was made today?