Which Superhero Is The Strongest? University Study Finds Out
For decades, nerds have waged war over one simple question - who is the strongest superhero? Students at the University of Leicester have decided to settle this argument with science - conducting a study to find out the strongest of them all.

How are memories created? Study by University of Leicester and UCLA finds out
While we've figured out many aspects of human life through scientific endeavour, one of the most fascinating is still one shrouded in mystery: how does human memory work? How do we create unforgettable episodes of time in our mind, which we are reminded of at certain locations or with certain people?

First-Person Shooters Can Help You Perceive Motion Better While Walking Backwards
A study by the School of Psychology at the University of Leicester suggests that playing an FPS can help you walk backwards better, as it will improve your motion perception.
'Star Wars' Got It Wrong. What Jumping To Hyperspace Would Actually Look Like
As is commonplace in science fiction, when a spacecraft makes the "jump to lightspeed," stars in the galaxy stretch in front of your eyes. But University of Leicester students have calculated what you would actually see when travelling through space at the speed of light.