Less Than 1% Of UK Adults Consider Loot Boxes To Be Gambling - That Needs To Change
Just 0.05% of adults in the UK have named loot boxes as a form of gambling. That is crazy, given the amount of airtime given to them in recent months…

Research Shows Many Brits Don’t Like The Idea Of Having A Robot Friend
Would you be comfortable with having a robot companion? Unsurprisingly, studies show over 72% of Britons would be uncomfortable with a cyborg chum.

Half Of Britain Will Celebrate Christmas Virtually This Year
Studies have found that half of Brits will be celebrating Christmas virtually this year - sharing the big day over the likes of FaceTime or Skype.

Surprise! Influencers Are Lying About Their Numbers
Turns out the Influencer Marketing bubble will burst soon, as their posts, for what they cost, perform terribly. Now I wonder why…

The Basic Tech To Hack Someone’s Brain Exists Today
While we worry cybercriminals may be able to hack the human brain at some point far in the future, turns out the basic tech to do so exists today… Yikes.

Memes Cause Teen Obesity? That's A Bit Of A Stretch, Loughborough University
In one of the more ridiculous stories of the week, Loughborough academics sent a letter to UK parliament, informing them that memes cause teen obesity…

Four In Ten 'The Sims' Players Have Purposefully Killed Their Own Sims
A new study has shown that 41% of The Sims players have purposefully killed their Sims. This means 59% of the study’s candidates are liars.

Which Of These Four Types Of Internet User Are You?
Recent research shows that all social media users can be placed into one of four categories – the Geek, the Lurker, the Victim or the Internet Celebrity. Which one are you?

Merry Christmas! Tis The Season For Digital Disconnection
If you are reading this, Merry Christmas! Now get off your phone/tablet/computer and feel the freedom of true digital disconnection.

Study Shows The Video Game Genres That Women Play Most
It's common fact that there isn't a gender gap in gaming, as an Entertainment Software Association report claims about half of the players are women. But what exactly are they playing? Well, Quantic Foundry conducted a study showing what genres have a female monopoly.

Study Shows Pokémon Go Did Boost Physical Activity, But Not For Long
Pokémon Go was a massive hit when it came out in the summer – inspiring people to get out the house walk for miles, just to catch ‘em all. But, according to a study published by The BMJ, that physical activity only lasts six weeks.

Study Shows Netflix Users Have A Strange, New Binge-Watching Routine
Netflix has gotten to know their 86 million members pretty well, and the latest research proves that. The streaming company has released new data that shows how people are binge-watching content, uncovering some strange tendencies amongst people.

You Can Now Unlock Doors And Computers By Sending Data Through The Human Body
When you think about transferring data, you think about either WiFi or Bluetooth (or infrared if you’re old like me). But a team at the University of Washington have found a way to transfer information using the human body.

Which Superhero Is The Strongest? University Study Finds Out
For decades, nerds have waged war over one simple question - who is the strongest superhero? Students at the University of Leicester have decided to settle this argument with science - conducting a study to find out the strongest of them all.

Study Shows Thousands Of People Play Pokemon Go While Driving
We all have a laugh and a joke about being so addicted to Pokemon Go that you play while driving - but unfortunately that’s not a joke to thousands of people…

Venus May Have Once Been Able To Support Life
A new study into the history of Venus suggests the planet may have been suitable for life.

Study: Why is Pokémon Go The Most Widespread Phenomenon Since The Bubonic Plague?
Pokémon Go has taken the world by storm, with now over 100 million downloads onto Android devices alone. It’s safe to say the Pokémania of the 90’s is seeing something of a revival, but why is that? Especially when Pokémon Go is, if we’re being honest with ourselves, a buggy, barebones mess? Prof. Dr. Claus-Peter H. Ernst of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences may have the answer.

Love Trashy Films? You're Probably Smarter Than Most People, Study Says
Having a guilty pleasure for Sharknado doesn’t make you a cultural cretin - it actually means you probably have an above-average education and prefer the occasional arthouse cinema film.

Science Discovers The Most Heavy Metal Word In The English Language
A data scientist has crunched the numbers and found the most (and least) heavy metal words in the English language.

"Uber" and other ridesharing services do nothing to curb drunk driving deaths
You’ve probably heard of Uber by now. It’s like a taxi service except it’s way more expensive and it’s all over America. Despite their claims that their ubiquitous service is helping to reduce drunk driving deaths, all evidence indicates otherwise. Like most things in life, Uber looks to be a big overpriced load of nothing.