10 Classic Games That Deserve A Remake
The success of the Resident Evil 2 remake got me thinking about what other classic games deserve the same treatment.

Porgs Exist In The Last Jedi Because Of The Real Puffins On Location
Think that Porgs exist in Star Wars: The Last Jedi purely to fuel the Disney merchandise machine? You couldn’t be more wrong…

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Review (Spoiler-Free)
It may not be as good as Empire, but Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a fun, fresh take on the movie’s formula.

Loot Crates Are The Path To The Dark Side - Change Your Ways, EA
So EA turned the launch of Star Wars Battlefront 2 - one of the most highly anticipated games of 2017 - into a controversial storm of loot crate hell. We have one thing to thank them for, as they have officially found what is considered “too far” for micro transaction-based unlockables.

Way Too Early Predictions About Star Wars: The Last Jedi
So the name of the eighth instalment in the Star Wars franchise has been revealed as The Last Jedi. Let's make some way-too-early story predictions...

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Review
Another year, another Star Wars movie. Does this spin-off capture the essence of the universe, while making for a compelling story?

An Open Letter To Barrel & Forks - Don't Swindle Star Wars Fans With The Fork Awakens
So my girlfriend bought me a ticket to 'The Fork Awakens' for my Birthday - a perceptively exciting Star Wars themed experience of gourmet food and performance... How woefully mistaken we were in trusting Barrel & Forks to deliver on this promise.

Scientists Make Lightsabers A Reality With Molecule Switches
A team at Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light have managed to make two beams of light "touch" each other. Not only is this a breakthrough for physics, but it's a dream come true for many Star Wars fans out there...

Origin Story Of Darth Maul Told Through Amazing Fan-Made Star Wars Short Film
You may hate The Phantom Menace, but Darth Maul was one hell of an interesting character. He was an amazing Sith lord with a fresh look and opened our minds to the possibility of a cracking villain for the prequel trilogy (Belated Media agrees). However, these were struck down in a cheap early death that meant he lived up to half his potential (pardon the pun). Luckily, this sin has been absolved by an incredible 17-minute feature named Darth Maul: Apprentice - A Star Wars Film.

Chewbacca Tweets The Original Star Wars Script And 90s Style Guide
The story of how Star Wars came to be is a vague one. George Lucas changes his statements about the origins almost constantly. He had created a rich universe of characters and locales, which he wasn't sure would make it to film after the first instalment. So what did this all look like back in the day? Peter Mayhew, the actor who played Chewbacca, has been answering this question by tweeting pages from the original 1976 script.

Amazing Star Wars Fan Film 'Rebel Scum' Goes Back To Hoth
If you're craving for more new Star Wars after The Force Awakens, but can't wait until Rogue One all the way in December, independent studio Blood Brother Cinema Co has got you covered with this amazing nine-minute short film, called Rebel Scum.

How Much Power Do You Need To Destroy A Planet?
We petitioned for a Death Star to be built this year, and while the plan was turned down, it left us all asking one simple question. What would it take to actually blow up a planet? Scott Manley looked into the science of replicating the Star Wars space station.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review (Spoiler-free)
It’s rare a film comes along that fans are so excited to see, they take pictures of a blank screen to document the time they sat in a cinema. That’s the power of Star Wars and with The Force Awakens, is this the film we’re looking for?

What happens if you give a GoPro to a Jedi? Magic happens.
As a reader of this website, chances are you've dreamed of being a Jedi at some point in your life. The over-the-top lightsaber battles, repelling stormtrooper blaster fire, using the force to take out your foes. It's all one amazing pipe dream, but YouTuber Bill Parker has created this great creative video of a Jedi strapping a GoPro to himself and fighting the Empire in the desert.

How old do Star Wars characters look?
Many of you have had fun with Microsoft's powerfully judgemental website how-old.net, but how old did the cast of Star Wars look back in their prime? In celebration of May the Fourth (and to get over the fact it thinks I look 38 when I'm 24) I took a look.

How to watch all six Star Wars films online for free today (legally)
Whether you're a hardcore fan or a young padawan, everybody should watch Star Wars today. And now there is a way to enjoy them all for free (legally)! In what Sky is calling "UK TV's first ever 48-hour Star Wars marathon," Now TV is currently streaming all 6 movies back-to-back.

5 Hilarious 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Trailer Spoofs
Knowing the audience of this site, chances are you've already seen the new 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' trailer, but you may have not seen these awesome parodies.

Star Wars: Episode VII Release Date Confirmed. December 18, 2015
A confirmed release date of December 18th 2015 has been set for Star Wars: Episode VII. The wait is going to be a long one, but it could make for a pretty amazing Christmas. Let's hope they make the best use of their time.

Original Star Wars Blooper Reel Is Hilarious
Star Wars fans were given a treat on Reddit today in the form of a 36-year-old outtake reel from the original trilogy. Put simply, it's hilarious.