If Dungeons & Dragons saved my life, NADDPOD showed me how to play
Starting to play Dungeons and Dragons? Teach yourself to play by listening to podcasts - specifically Not Another D&D Podcast.

20 Ridiculous Places That Will Now Have Stories, Because Facebook
Does everything really need stories? According to Facebook, yes they do and Redditors have been busy mocking them by photoshopping 20 more ridiculous places that will now have stories.

Disgruntled Scottish Suicide Squad Fan Suing Warner And DC For False Advertising
Chances are you’ve seen Suicide Squad reviews, and they’ve not been positive, to say the least. Well, one viewer from Scotland is taking Warner Bros. and DC to court for false advertising.

This Guy Has Built His Own Awesome Touchscreen Smart Mirror
Smart mirrors are not a new thing, but they always seem like a glimpse into the future. Engineer Ryan Nelwan has unveiled his own project, and we kind of love it!

Robotic Hand Attachment Lets You Touch Things In Virtual Reality
Dextra Robotics posted on Reddit's Oculus page to introduce a new device that they claim will bring a sense of touch to virtual reality, allowing you to feel the animated objects around you.