20 Ridiculous Places That Will Now Have Stories, Because Facebook
Does everything really need stories? According to Facebook, yes they do - as their pursuit of Snapchat continues with a recent forceful introduction of Stories on the social network...
It's pretty clear that Zuckerberg's company is getting pretty desperate in their attempts to re-engage the millennials - something which I've rallied against a lot in my recent open letter to Facebook.
In response, the Reddit community has been busy creating some utterly hilarious social story platform parodies 😂
Here are 20 ridiculous places that will now have stories.
#1 A Calculator
Because that quadratic equation makes for a good story...
#2 McDonald's
#3 Pregnancy Tests
#4 Microsoft Excel
Share your macros...
#5 Your pet's arm
#6 Election voting machines
#7 KFC Bargain Buckets
#8 The Apocalypse
#9 The Microwave
#10 The Pokèdex
#11 Rihanna's Forehead
#12 Restaurant receipts
#13 Gym equipment
#14 Vapes
Watch all of your stories go up in smoke after 24 hours...
#15 Cassette Tapes
#16 Grand Theft Auto V
#17 Water Fountains
#18 Pornhub
Some interesting stories on this platform...
#19 KFC
#20 Snapchat Stories
Oh so meta