Robotic Hand Attachment Lets You Touch Things In Virtual Reality
Dextra Robotics posted on Reddit's Oculus page to introduce a new device that they claim will bring a sense of touch to virtual reality, allowing you to feel the animated objects around you.

Classic 'Legend Of Zelda' Gets First Person Remake For Oculus Rift
The Legend of Zelda for NES is loved by anyone who has ever heard of Nintendo, so one developer has decided to remake this 8-bit classic as a first-person game for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset.

Experience The 'Star Wars' Death Star Trench Run On Oculus Rift
The Oculus Rift has some great virtual reality experiences, but none quite like hopping into the cockpit of an X-Wing, hurtling through the Death Star's Trench Run to fire the proton torpedo.

'PaperDude VR.' A Virtual Reality Paperboy Using Oculus Rift, Kinect And A Bike
Paperboy has been resurrected in the form of 'PaperDude VR,' combining the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, a Kinect motion sensor and a stationary bike.
Gamer Combines VR Headset With An Omnidirectional Treadmill
A company called Virtuix has shown what gamers can do when you combine the Oculus Rift VR Headset with their omnidirectional treadmill, bringing true virtual reality gaming into the home.
‘Project Holodeck’ Hoping To Bring Full 3D Virtual Reality To Gaming
Labelled ‘Project Holodeck’ after the virtual reality system at the cutting-edge heart of the Star Trek films, a team from the University of Southern California are working on a system that will bring full 360-degree, full-body VR to gaming.