Three Things I Learnt From E3 2019
E3 2019 has come and gone, leaving me with three important lessons.

The End Of Traditional Games Consoles Starts Now
With Google’s cloud gaming announcement, Stadia, comes a ticking clock to the eventual demise of traditional games consoles.

I Miss Demo Discs
This is my love letter to the love of my childhood - video game demo discs, of which I still have many stockpiled in my parents’ loft.

5 Bold E3 2018 Predictions
Let’s not make the same boring E3 2018 predictions… Here are 5 big bets about what we’re going to see at the show!

5 Classic Consoles That Should Get The Mini Rebirth Treatment
Following Nintendo’s massively successful run of 'Classic Edition’ retro console reboots, it got me thinking about what other consoles I’d love to see reborn…

Somebody Tried To Photograph The Moon Using A Game Boy Camera
Astronomy photography is difficult enough, but imagine doing so using a Nintendo Game Boy Camera! Well, this guy has managed to do so and the results are better than you imagine…

5 Better Alternatives To The SNES Classic Edition
If you missed the pre-orders, give up now – you’re never going to get an SNES Mini. But little did you know there are five alternatives that are so much better, which are readily available to buy.

Why The Nintendo Switch Is Set Up For Failure
Nintendo Switch does look cool, don’t get me wrong. But unfortunately, novel concepts aren’t all you can have in a rather archaic industry that seems to be more focused on speeds and feeds than ever.

Pokémon Gone - Niantic's Explosive App Predated By Over 2 Years
As you may or may not have heard, some app company called Niantic made this app called Pokémon Go which has gained some popularity as of late. It’s a pretty standard app as they go, in that it’s terrible but still rakes in literal millions per day, and that its design was predated by some randomers years ago, who can now only watch through tear-stained eyes as the money flows right by them.

Hacked Nintendo Power Glove Lets You Control A Drone Like A Robotic Bird Trainer
Nintendo’s impractical Power Glove has been the epitome of cool controllers for over 25 years, but an engineer has made the peripheral practical by hacking it to control drones! To use a quote to sum up my opinions - “it’s so bad…”

New Pokémon Sun And Moon Trailer Is Finally Here - Excitement Levels Are Blasting Off Again
Several months ago Pokémon Sun and Moon were announced. And then nothing was heard about them again... until now. A minute-and-a-half trailer has arrived on YouTube, finally giving us some sweet sweet details. Most importantly, the release date of 23th of November for Europe. As well as a look at some brand new Pokémon.

Tiny 'Mario Maker' Computer Puts Nintendo's Own Level Design Skills To Shame
Nintendo's creativity is always at full force when it comes to Mario level design, but they have never made a tiny computer inside the game.

Someone just found a rare Nintendo Playstation console prototype
Someone on Reddit has shared pictures of what looks like the prototype of the SNES-CD, a cancelled collaboration between Sony and Nintendo to bring a CD-ROM attachment to your Super Nintendo.

Fans Working On Super Mario 64 HD Remake
When it comes to platforming games, many people look to Super Mario 64 as one of the best. Get excited, as a group of fans are giving the classic Nintendo 64 game a HD makeover, and it looks bloody gorgeous!

Watch This Guy Play Three Classic N64 Games At The Same Time, And Beat Them In Less Than An Hour
Speedrunning mastermind Karl Jobst has played Goldeneye, Super Mario 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time at the same time, and has completed them all in under an hour. This is actually insane.

Classic 'Legend Of Zelda' Gets First Person Remake For Oculus Rift
The Legend of Zelda for NES is loved by anyone who has ever heard of Nintendo, so one developer has decided to remake this 8-bit classic as a first-person game for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset.