Life-Sized Lego X-Wing Unveiled. Breaks World Record With Five Million Bricks
Lego has unveiled a life-sized, five-million-brick model of an X-Wing fighter from Star Wars. Built by 32 people over 17,000 hours, this 43-foot-long replica is the largest Lego model in the world.
Star Wars Fan Builds Beautiful Model Lightsaber, Gets It Autographed By Luke Himself
Bradley Lewis, a video game developer and industrious fan of classic science fiction, has put together a brilliant recreation of Luke Skywalker's lightsaber from A New Hope. The lightsaber was built for Celebration V: a massive Star Wars convention in Orlando. Mr. Lewis managed to get the lightsaber done in time for the show, where he was lucky enough to get Mark Hamill to autograph it.

Mineways: Turn your Minecraft creations into real-world models
So you've invested time in Minecraft and built some pretty faithful block-renditions of different models. But what if you want them to be timelessly kept on your shelf, forming a time capsule of reminiscence? Well, worry no more, dear reader, as new software Mineways has your back.