Here's What The Original 'Metal Gear Solid' Would Look Like If It Was Made Today
Konami has had a lot of bad press recently when it comes to Metal Gear Solid. But they have an opportunity to make some reparations by supporting Shadow Moses, a gorgeous fan-made remake of the Playstation One classic using Unreal Engine 4.

Top 10 most exciting games of E3 2015
So E3 has come and gone, bringing with it a storm of new game announcements in one of the best video game expos in recent memory. I'm sure you all have your favourites, but here is my top ten.
'The Phantom Pain' Conspiracy. Metal Gear Solid V All But Confirmed In Trailer And PR Analysis
Without a doubt, this has to be some of the greatest viral marketing I have seen this year, as 'Joakim N. Mogren' has been slowly leaking details to the public about The Phantom Pain: a game unveiled at the VGAs, which bares a striking resemblence to a certain Kojima's Metal Gear universe.
Ideas for Metal Gear Solid 5 revealed by Kojima
Kojima has spoken in a rather detailed interview about the development story behind the recently re-announced project Metal Gear Rising: Revengence, and his ideas for the next major milestone in the stealth combat series.
"Metal Gear Solid 4 wrapped up in 2008, and the dev team took post-project time off right after that. But, of course, we were in a situation where we had to start planning for MGS5. So I started coming up with several ideas," he says, beginning this exploration behind-the-scenes of Kojima Productions.