The Story Behind Mars Orbiter’s Perfect Postcard Picture
Winter is coming to Mars, and the European Space Agency’s orbiter has taken an incredible picture of this otherworldly mile-deep ice crater.

These Prototypes Show What Living On Mars Might Look Like
Ever wondered what it would be like to live on Mars? Well, wonder no more as Architectural experts have drawn up some prototypes of the types of housing we could see when the Red Planet is colonised by humans.

NASA Captures Bizarre Mars Sand Dune Patterns That Look Like Morse Code - Are Aliens Trying To Talk To Us?
NASA recently photographed some strange sand dunes on Mars, with patterns that looked like a message in Morse code. Obviously, conspiracy theorists nearly fell out of their chairs at the vague possibility of Martian existence!

Mineral on Mars Plunges Its Past Deeper Into Mystery
The Curiosity rover has been doing some drilling on Mars, and what is has discovered has NASA scratching their heads. A mineral known as tridymite has been uncovered beneath the surface of Mars. And its presence raises far more questions than it answers.

Oxygen Has Been Detected On Mars - Can We Go Now?
As you’ve probably seen, NASA has been exploring Mars for years now. But now in a potentially groundbreaking discovery, they’ve detected atomic oxygen in the Red Planet’s atmosphere for the first time in 40 years.

NASA Gravity Map Offers Best Ever Look At Mars
NASA has released an amazingly detailed gravity map of Mars, which shows forces around the red planet and huge amounts of physical properties. This was created using range tracking and Doppler data, collected from three different spacecraft orbiting Mars for over a decade: the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), Mars Odyssey (ODY), and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

Scientists Successfully Grow Crops In Mars Soil Conditions
Researchers from Wageningen University & Research centre in the Netherlands have created Mars-equivalent soil in the lab and successfully managed to grow crops in it. This is a huge step towards the potential future colonisation of the red planet.

Meet The Mars 100: people hoping to spend the rest of their lives on the red planet
One hundred people have been shortlisted by Mars One, out of which four will be the first humans to live on Mars.

NASA Proposes Sending Humans To The Skies Of Venus
NASA scientists have created a study proposing humans go colonise Venus. However, since the surface of the planet has 92 times more pressure than Earth's atmosphere and a temperature of 500 degrees C, we will explore from the safe distance of the clouds using Airships and Cloud Cities.

Over 100,000 People Have Applied For A One-Way Ticket To Mars
We've spoken about Mars One before, the one-way mission to the red planet that's open for applications. However, the fundamental question has been just who would sign up for this? Turns out that would be over 100,000 of you, and growing.

NASA Mars Rover Draws Giant Penis On The Surface Of Red Planet
Anybody who has kept up with the Curiosity Rover's antics on Twitter will know NASA has a cheeky sense of humour, but we never expected this. Looks like an employee has used the Rover to draw a giant penis on the surface of Mars. The photo in question shows one of Spirit’s or Opportunity’s tyre tracks leaving a very appendage-looking impression in the Martian dust.
The Search Officially Begins For The First Humans To Go To Mars
Non-profit group Mars One has announced the launch of its astronaut selection program. The search has begun for the first humans to set foot on Mars and make it their home, which begins with accepting online submissions running until 31st August 2013.
Astronaut Search For Televised One-Way Trip To Mars Will Begin By July
After launching earlier this year, Dutch non-profit organisation Mars One has begun accepting applications for a one-way trip to Mars. They aim to find four astronauts throughout a two year, televised search for Red Planet explorers, starting this summer.
NASA's Curiosity Rover Finds Conditions Once Suited For Life On Mars
NASA's Curisoity Rover has discovered evidence that Mars had the conditions necessary to support life. An analysis of a rock sample collected by Curiosity shows the red planet could have supported living microbes in its history.
Mars Rover Curiosity To Drill Into First Martian Rock. Search For Evidence Of Water
NASA has announced that the Mars rover Curiosity will drill into Martian rock for the first time to look for proof that water once existed on the Red Planet.
You Can Now Apply To Be Part Of A Mars Colony For Reality TV
Netherlands based organisation Mars One has begun accepting applications for "Mars colony pioneers:" a one-way ticket to a human settlement on the red planet, which they intend to finish construction of in 2023. Those who are chosen will be put into a selection process, in which both Mars One and viewers of a “global, televised program” will choose the first humans to colonise the planet.
NASA Announces Multi-Year Mars Program. New Rover Mission In 2020
NASA has announced plans for a robust multi-year Mars program, including a new "robotic science rover" set to launch in 2020, and the launch of two spacecraft to research the atmosphere of the red planet, with a view to commence in 2013.
Mars Rover Curiosity Finds Evidence Of Organic Compounds On Red Planet
NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover has found evidence of organic compounds within the Martian soil on the red planet. Samples analysed contained "water and sulfur and chlorine-containing substances, among other ingredients" for life.