Dear iPhone, I’m leaving you for Google Pixel 4
I’ve always been an Apple fan, but after that underwhelming iPhone 11 announcement, this could be the year that I turn to Android.

CTRTard Is Horrendously Offensive And Needs To Be Scrubbed From Google
Google’s algorithmic search results are left to remain a largely impartial public service, but search for “CTR Calculator” and a pretty offensive result appears that seriously needs to go.

The End Of Traditional Games Consoles Starts Now
With Google’s cloud gaming announcement, Stadia, comes a ticking clock to the eventual demise of traditional games consoles.

Let’s Talk About Google Duplex - The Brilliant-Yet-Terrifying Digital Assistant Of Human Deception
From wowing the world with an incredible demo to becoming a scary violation of ethics, Google Duplex has done it all. After sitting back and watching the initial fireworks, I’m ready to dive in…
Going All Geek On You 🤓 - Learn Something Episode 28
On this episode of Learn Something, it's a geek week and I'm covering a whole bunch of nerdy questions you've never thought about..

British iPhone Users May Be Owed Money By Google In Data Lawsuit
Are you British? Did you own & use an iPhone for several months between 2011 and 2012? Well, Google may owe you some compensation for bypassing iOS' security settings and illegally collecting data on you, as well as 5.4 million other Brits.

Every Company Does Not Need A Social Media Presence. Please Stop
As a social media manager, I’ve always been optimistic about every business having a social presence. But as the side of my new stapler box encouraged me to follow the company on Twitter, it became clear that corporate reliance on these networks has gone too far.

Pixel 2 vs iPhone 8 - Did Google Just ‘Out-Apple’ Apple?
Google has announced the Pixel 2 -their flagship to beat the iPhone 8 and iPhone X - with attention to design, subtle nuances and hardware/software interplay you expect from an iPhone announcement. Has the search giant just outshined Apple?

Google DeepMind AI Learns Parkour – Looks Adorably Terrifying
Google’s DeepMind AI has taken a break from painting masterpieces and besting board game champions to learn a spot of Parkour – using reinforcement learning in encouraging the AI to successfully navigate a course of jumps and crawls.

Smartphones Are Boring - Google’s Pixel Proves That Everybody Wants To Make Another iPhone
Google released a new smartphone - the Pixel. It’s a premium device, meant to represent everything great about the ‘Google experience’. Technically, it is very impressive. However, many have noticed that it looks very similar to the iPhone – which is not surprising as it is essentially just a different take on the exact same thing.

Twitter For Sale – Who’s Looking To Buy And Why?
Twitter has not had it easy over the past couple of years. From the flat growth of new users to a torrential storm of abusive tweets, the social network has been dragged through the mud a fair few times.
But now, things are starting to look optimistic, as it’s been widely reported that Twitter is going up for sale with some interesting companies looking to buy…
Who are these companies? Why would they want to purchase a social network in an almost purgatorial state? Let’s take a look.

5 Major Tech Companies Have Formed A Partnership On AI - Be Scared
Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM and Microsoft have formed the 'Partnership on Artificial Intelligence to Benefit People and Society.' I'm seriously doubting the last part of that mission statement...

Google Teams Up With NHS To Inject AI Into Head And Neck Cancer Treatment
Google is teaming up with the UK’s National Health Service to put its artificial intelligence system, DeepMind Health, to the test of helping improve head and neck cancer treatment.

Sheep Fitted With Cameras To Map Faroe Islands For Google Street View
When it comes to Street View, Google can get quite selective to the frustration of small islands everywhere. The population of the Faroe Islands have taken matters into their own hands by strapping cameras to their sheep!

Google and Oxford University Are Developing a "Kill-Switch" for Unruly AI
If you’re a person, the chances are that every time you hear a story about AI you think “but what about Terminator”. Turns out, the scientists are right there with you. DeepMind, the AI division of Google has teamed up with Oxford University to develop a “kill switch” for AI, should it become unruly in the future.

Google Patents Device That Would Be Injected Into Your Eyeball
Science fiction and reality are basically the same thing these days. Space travel? Decades ago. Holograms? Coming on nicely. Electronic implants injected directly into your eyeballs? Google’s just filed a patent for it.

Google's funny autocomplete suggestions have been turned into a game of Family Fortune
If there's one thing we can settle on, it's that Google's autocomplete suggestions are hilariously odd. But can you think like the search engine and, in turn, the rest of the human race? Time to test your knowledge with 'Google Feud,' essentially Family Fortunes (called Family Feud in America) but with Google.

Google+ is splitting into Photos and Streams
Long time VP of product for Google and recently appointed head of Google+, Bradley Horowitz, announced today via the network that he is beginning to split the social network’s elements apart, starting with two separate products: Photos and Streams.

Google Announces Android KitKat
Google has confirmed that the next version of Android will be called KitKat. No, I'm not joking, KitKat, as in that chocolate bar available in either fingers or the chunky variety, will be the codename for Android 4.4. This keeps Android's tradition of naming each version after desserts; but this is the first with a deeply integrated (and rather delicious) joint marketing venture.

New Rising Media Now Available On Google Currents
New Rising Media is now available on your smartphone through Google Currents.
The one feature request asked for most by our readers is mobile optimisation. With great stories, why not make them available on-the-go? Well, that may be coming sooner than you think; but we are now on one of the slickest news reading apps on iOS and Android.