Top 5 best mods for Grand Theft Auto V
When PC gamers warmly welcomed Grand Theft Auto V on April 14th, the modding community exploded. With all kinds of unique mods from the convenient life-savers to the hilariously insane, I've decided to countdown my top five favourites of the hundreds of options.
Three Playable Characters Confirmed For GTA V, Plus More Details
GTA V might just be the most anticipated videogame ever, and that's quite a feat. But while news on Rockstar's latest has been drip-fed up to this point, tiding us over before another snippet of information becomes available, Game Informer has today answered some of the more pressing questions surrounding the game.
GTA: Vice City Heading To iOS And Android
For many, it was the definitive Grand Theft Auto, a sprawling open-world action-adventure title that broke new ground and along with it, rival open-world game developers' hearts. A staple fixture within PS2's for quite some time, GTA: Vice City is now all set for smartphones, with iOS and Android versions on their way.
GTA III Storms Onto Mobile Devices, Lavished With Praise
Rockstar Games today released Grand Theft Auto's controversial 3D debut on the App Store and Android Marketplace in celebration of the game's ten-year anniversary.
Essentially defining the sandbox genre, GTA III reaped huge praise at launch, despite the subsequent controversy it provoked from mainstream news outlets and the general public. Here was a game in which players could car-jack ordinary members of the public, commit atrocious acts of violence and have unsolicited sex with prostitutes – far from the delights of other games from that year; Pikmin, Sonic Adventure 2, Ico.
GTA V video comparison with GTA: San Andreas
Did you ever get that feeling, while watching the fantastic new trailer for Grand Theft Auto V, that you've seen some of the shots before? The plane flying away from the camera, the panning shot from the beach, most can be taken from the original San Andreas trailer...well some.
Grand Theft Auto V Trailer analysis
"Why did I move here?" A male voice asks. "Guess it was the weather." The countdown is over. The Grand Theft Auto V trailer went live a few minutes ago, and it reveals a lot...through revealing next-to-nothing at all.