Why Nobody Will Buy Self-Driving Cars For A Long Time To Come
Self-driving cars are the future, but are humans ready for them? The answer is a resounding “no,” and you shouldn’t expect to see them for a long time…

Calm Down, News Media - Snapchat Is Not Failing
The media has had a field day, following the IPO of Snap Inc. The camera company is either “running on old ideas” by reportedly working on a drone, or at the worst, you and “all your friends” are leaving Snapchat.

Mobile Journalism - A World Of Pubs Where You Don't Have To Clean The Office Microwave
Offices are expensive, you have to have the building, power and water, the little fridge and deal with the inevitable arguments over people not cleaning the microwave. These are some of the expenses, and stresses of having an actual office, in the meatspace.

UK Government Just Admitted To Illegally Spying On Citizens for 17 Years, But Won't Stop
After a legal battle that spanned more than a year, the UK government's surveillance agency - GCHQ - admitted to illegally spying for the past 17 years and apologised for their actions. But then, thanks to some tiny changes in GCHQ policy, it turns out they can carry on without being punished.
Isn't that some bull shit...

Why The Metropolitan Police Aren’t Prepared To Stop Internet Trolls - And A Solution To Their Problems
News recently broke that the Metropolitan Police have set up a specialist task force to deal with online trolling. Whilst we can all applaud the positive step that this is, it’s important to ask the question: will this actually help?

What Is The Future Of Journalism?
This is a hard one for me to write, when I was asked to write an article on the future of journalism I thought it was would be easy. There was one point in my life when I thought I was the future of journalism. But, no, I am just one of many other journalists struggling to survive.

Politics Are Already A Shit Show - Social Media Makes It Worse
The representation of politicians has always been a tricky issue, but recently we’ve seen social media become more and more important as an influence on public opinion, especially relating to the US presidential campaign and the Labour leadership row here in the UK.

No, Sony And Microsoft. Most People Don’t Want A New Playstation Or Xbox Right Now
With the Playstation 4 Pro heading for a November release and Microsoft’s new Xbox, codenamed Project Scorpio, on the horizon for next year, consumers are stuck with a question – do you need or want one?
And the answer in pretty much all circumstances is a resounding “no.”

2015 May Not Be What 'Back To The Future' Predicted, But I'm Excited
If we were to judge what to expect from 2015 by 'Back To The Future,' it would be fair for anyone to say it's going to be a bit naff.

Procrastination Is A Bitch. Resurrection Is Tricky
With yet another month passing with no posting, it is time to kick the procrastination bug that many of you will be familiar with.
The Plan For New Rising Media
So here I sit on the balcony at my flat, drinking cider and eating pepperoni pizza to perfectly accompany the arrival of summer: an ideal place to write the second part of New Rising Media's return.