Wicked Audio HUM 1000 Headphones Review
I’ve been on the hunt for a decent pair of Bluetooth headphones - pairing ultimate portability with stellar sound quality. Are Wicked Audio’s HUM 1000 Headphones what I’m looking for?

Japanese Luxury Smart Toilet Vulnerable To Hacking
The Satis "smart toilet" controlled by a smartphone is vulnerable to hacks, security experts have warned. With Bluetooth access open to passers by, random strangers can operate the toilet's lighting, flush & bidet controls, and attack your back door for amusement.
Start-Up Green Throttle Set To Bring Mobile Gaming To The Big Screen
It seems a week doesn’t go by without another doomer-and-gloomer reporting facts and figures that try to infer console gaming is dying a slow death. There’s no denying the popularity of touch-screen gaming and the like has exploded in recent years, while services like OnLive remove our reliance on consoles in favour of cloud computing. Start-up Green Throttle Games, meanwhile, hopes a console-less future will come in another form: namely, our smartphones and tablets.