Google Patents Device That Would Be Injected Into Your Eyeball
Science fiction and reality are basically the same thing these days. Space travel? Decades ago. Holograms? Coming on nicely. Electronic implants injected directly into your eyeballs? Google’s just filed a patent for it.

Tesco Cash Machine Offers 'Free Erections' To Welsh Speaking Users
Tesco made some adjustments to their Express branch in Aberystwyth, mounting a sign in the regional Welsh language that says "Codiad am Ddim." While the sentiment is there to be accessible for all, the sign promises more than the store can deliver as it actually translates to 'Free Erection.'

Do You Want To Be A Jedi? This Armband Could Replace Your Mouse With The Power Of The Force
We've seen plenty of hands-free gadgets that are aiming to kill the mouse when it comes to computer control. Myo, an armband from startup Thalmic Labs is the latest in this long line of motion controllers, but what it does makes all the difference.

World's First Mind Controlled Prosthetic Leg Unveiled
Researchers at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC) have developed a method of deciphering the bodies message to make a bionic leg safe to use.

Apple iPhone 5S Announced
The iPhone 5S has been announced at an event in California. Maintaining the same design as the previous generation, following the standard launch cycle set by Apple, the hardware has seen a considerable upgrade.

Graphene Transistors Created by DNA
You can probably draw a lot of comparison between Graphene and Uranium; when they were each first discovered they were the wonder material that promised to unlock the mysteries of the universe. The problems came in actually figuring out how to control and utilise the materials themselves. Uranium is inherently dangerous but has the potential to be the replacement of coal and other fossil fuels. Graphene may not be dangerous but it is equally unwieldy to control and to produce.

Parliament's Porn Habit Laid Bare. 300,000 Attempts To Access 'Adult' Websites From Work Computers
The Houses of Parliament maybe debating a crackdown on online pornography; but that doesn't stop the 'adult' urges whilst hard at work. Official records obtained by the Huffington Post suggest that more than 300,000 attempts were made to access porn websites from their work computers in the past year.

Google Announces Android KitKat
Google has confirmed that the next version of Android will be called KitKat. No, I'm not joking, KitKat, as in that chocolate bar available in either fingers or the chunky variety, will be the codename for Android 4.4. This keeps Android's tradition of naming each version after desserts; but this is the first with a deeply integrated (and rather delicious) joint marketing venture.

Father Hacks Son's Power Wheelchair To Let Him See The World
Father Shea wanted to help his 2-year-old son Alejandro discover the world. Suffering from Spinal Muscular Atrophy, his movements are severely limited and confined to a wheelchair. So they look into power wheelchairs, and discover the health insurance wouldn't cover one for another five years. Disgusted by this, Shea decided to go out and build one himself, allowing Alejandro to go out and explore.

Lasers Used to Levitate Nanodiamonds
We don't generally associate light with the ability to push or pull objects, it is just not a phenomenon we can easily observe. A team at the University of Rochester, however, have used this ability to trap and levitate tiny specs of diamonds.

Breakfast Cereal Used To Be Made By Shooting It Out Of A Gun
Breakfast cereal has always been a confusing food. Many people aren't aware of how it's made. But did you know, once upon a time, those flakes you spoon up with your milk each morning were made by shooting them out of a gun?

Instagram 4.1 Adds Ability To Import Videos From Your Library
Instagram may have lagged behind Vine in providing a short video-sharing service, but they are moving ahead of the competition with one very sought after feature: importing video from your camera album.

Disney's 'AIREAL' Air Cannons Let You Feel The Digital World
Disney Research has unveiled a new haptic technology named AIRE AL, using cannons that fire compressed air to simulate the sense of touch.

Researchers Create Urine-Powered Mobile Phone
Researchers from the University of the West of England and the University of Bristol have invented a mobile phone powered by urine. They are currently seeking funding to take this project forward.

World's Smartest Artificial Intelligence Computer Is As Smart As A Four Year Old
One of the world's smartest computers took an IQ test, did rather well for artificial intelligence, scoring as well as a four year old.

VR Headset Combined With Motion Controller. Virtual Hand Movements Match Yours
Independent developer Kelly Weaver has combined the Oculus Rift VR headset with Razor Hydra motion controllers to create a prototype of a character whose arm and hand movements match yours perfectly.
Google Earth Announces Support For Leap Motion Gesture Control
To celebrate Earth Day, Google Earth today announced support for Leap Motion's touch-free 3D motion controller, letting you navigate Google Earth with simple hand gestures.
'Obake' Elastic Touchscreen Prototype Allows Literal Pinch To Zoom
We've seen touchscreen technology evolve over the years; but it has never really developed further than pressing against a flat display. However, a new prototype called 'Obake,' designed by Dhairya Dand and Rob Hemsley of MIT's Media Lab, hopes to change this with an elastic screen - bringing a literal meaning to gestures such as pinch-to-zoom.