Investigatory Powers Bill Is Officially Becoming Law: How The Snooper’s Charter Will Affect You
People who signed that petition – you’re too late. The Investigatory Powers Act has just been given Royal Assent, meaning that UK Government is soon to become one of the most advanced surveillance states on the planet.

Investigatory Powers Bill Could Be Repealed, As Online Petition Forces It Back To House Of Commons
Thanks to a petition with over 120,000 signatures, the Investigatory Powers Bill – Britain’s new surveillance plans – could soon be repealed.

Spying On Your Internet History And A Ban On Niche Porn. Here’s What The UK Government Can Do With The Investigatory Powers Bill And Digital Economy
The Autumn Statement may have distracted you from this, but The Investigatory Powers Bill is now as good as passed, with the Digital Economy Bill shortly behind.

5 Ways Samsung Apologised For The Galaxy Note 7 Across The World
People across the globe are returning their Galaxy Note 7 mobiles to Samsung in exchange for apology rewards, to try to put out the fire on their reputation. But which country is getting the best deal? We took a look worldwide and ranked the company’s responses from best to worst.

The Autumn Statement Shows The Future Of British Tech Is A Bright, But Terrifying Surveillance State
As per the Autumn Statement, UK Government is set to invest billions into 5G, connecting more homes to fibre broadband and developing the infrastructure needed for driverless cars. But is all of this a smokescreen for the unprecedented surveillance powers they are about to get?

Light-Based Neural Network Could Be The Future Of Super-Fast AI Brains
While we can create computers that behave like brains, conventional circuitry means they will never perform as quickly as the sophisticated human neural network.
But Princeton researchers may have just solved this future and paved the future for this big area of research - creating the world’s first Light-based Neural Network.

The Future Of 5G In The UK Starts With Bournemouth - Thanks To Ordnance Survey Smart Map
The Next-generation of smartphones will be defined by 5G and Ordnance Survey have busily started work on creating new data-rich maps, to help mobile providers avoid signal drop-outs across the UK - starting with Bournemouth.

Dyson Award-Winning Paper Bike Helmet Is The Future Of Bike-Sharing Schemes
This year’s James Dyson Award International Winner is a recyclable, folding cycling helmet made of paper. No doubt in my mind that this will be the future of bike-sharing schemes across the globe!

Solar Roadways – A Cautionary Tale About Crowd-Funding Cons
There’s no denying that in general, Kickstarter, Indiegogo and platforms like them have made a big impact on the way that entrepreneurs realise their ideas, and enabled some fantastic products to be mass-produced.
Unfortunately, (and sometimes hilariously) the open nature of crowd-funding means that anyone can create a campaign for any idea whatsoever. One of the worst, in my view, was Solar Roadways, which became especially concerning because its Indiegogo campaign was actually successful – in fact, it is Indiegogo’s most backed campaign ever, raising 2.2 million dollars.

Will Virtual Reality Really Start To Kick-On With The Latest Influx Of VR Specific Games?
Virtual reality basically means a fully 3-dimensional simulated world that people are able to interact with physically, like a film that you can step into and influence the action within.
What Is The Future Of Consumer Technology? I Found Out At CES Unveiled Paris
What is the future of consumer technology? Jason England went along to CES Unveiled Paris and watched Shawn DuBruvac's presentation on future trends, to find out.

Mobile Journalism - A World Of Pubs Where You Don't Have To Clean The Office Microwave
Offices are expensive, you have to have the building, power and water, the little fridge and deal with the inevitable arguments over people not cleaning the microwave. These are some of the expenses, and stresses of having an actual office, in the meatspace.

Meet SPUD - An Insane 24-Inch Portable Display That Opens Like An Umbrella
A second display for your laptop or phone is an amazingly useful addition but is pretty much a stationary gadget - except for the most dedicated of you who would lug around a display in their backpacks (and power to you).

Why I Made Mugabe Mail
As anyone who has bothered to read my bio on this site (so, nobody) will know, I am the owner and operator of a ‘niche’ email provider called Mugabe Mail (accounts are not publicly available).

New Rising Media Will Be At CES Unveiled Paris
What is the future of consumer technology? It’s a tricky question, but one I will be finding out at CES Unveiled Paris.

The Future Of Virtual Reality Will Be Driven By Porn
Rule 34 may just be a term coined by the internet forum community, but it can be taken more literal here. Innovation in Virtual Reality will be driven by pornography - not games, not films and not social media. Porn.

UK Government Just Admitted To Illegally Spying On Citizens for 17 Years, But Won't Stop
After a legal battle that spanned more than a year, the UK government's surveillance agency - GCHQ - admitted to illegally spying for the past 17 years and apologised for their actions. But then, thanks to some tiny changes in GCHQ policy, it turns out they can carry on without being punished.
Isn't that some bull shit...

Why The Metropolitan Police Aren’t Prepared To Stop Internet Trolls - And A Solution To Their Problems
News recently broke that the Metropolitan Police have set up a specialist task force to deal with online trolling. Whilst we can all applaud the positive step that this is, it’s important to ask the question: will this actually help?

Smartphones Are Boring - Google’s Pixel Proves That Everybody Wants To Make Another iPhone
Google released a new smartphone - the Pixel. It’s a premium device, meant to represent everything great about the ‘Google experience’. Technically, it is very impressive. However, many have noticed that it looks very similar to the iPhone – which is not surprising as it is essentially just a different take on the exact same thing.

TCT Show - What Is The Future Of 3D Printing?
Remember 3D Printers? Those curious cubes that were poised to take the planet by storm with promises of a printer in every home? Turns out that didn’t happen - but after going to this year’s TCT show, I learnt where the real future of this industry lies.